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Off My Face to 22-Hour Sleep
Citation:   taniaaust1. "Off My Face to 22-Hour Sleep: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp85094)". Jan 21, 2021.

25 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine
  0.125 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam
I have Borderline personality disorder with severe mood swings in which I can get irrational at times, so the doctor prescribed Seroquel when needed.

I took 25mg Seroquel for the first time yesterday at about 9.00am after a night of not being able to sleep due to being upset. With it due to my anxiety, I also took half of a 0.25mg tab of Xanax (Alprazolam). I'm fine with that dosage of Xanax and it dont get me side effects. The first effects of the Seroquel kicked in about half an hr after I'd taken it (I took it on an empty stomach). To my surprise this drug which I had been expecting to make me feel very sleepy, instead made me suddenly feel very very wide awake and high. This high was the same kind of high I used to get as a teen when I took marajuana but without the horrid disconnectiveness feel or paranoia.

I sat in my chair, just staring, feeling off my face and doing nothing other than feeling wide awake and high, really enjoying the feeling. I felt as if my eyes were starting to bug out (bug out eyes is an effect I've had with another prescription drug).

My vision then went strange..blurry? Fuzzy? And then the wall and my blinds started to look as if they were moving. At this point I realised I had started to trip and was wondering what else was going to happen. (This wasnt scary, I felt kind of excited and was feeling very good). My thoughts were at this point running along the line of 'is this drug addictive?' 'This is a feeling I'm enjoying and wouldnt mind having again.' 'I really like this drug'. I'd accidently left the fact sheet on this drug in my partners car so hadnt gotten a chance to read about the drug side effects etc. So had no idea if what I was experiencing was common or not.

I then felt tired and decided I'd best go to bed in case the 'trip' was due to not having slept the night before. By this time it was about 45mins after I first took the drug. I must of fallen asleep immediately on going to bed and I cant even remember getting ready for bed or leaving the chair to head for bed.

Phone rang and woke me up and looking at the clock it said 7.00pm?, I ignored the time thinking the clock was wrong as surely I hadnt slept that long and went straight back to sleep, I was so tired. I woke up again and it was daylight and it was by the clock 8.30am. I was feeling very dazed and confused. What day was I in??? Surely I didnt sleep right through the day before and into the next morning?

I rang my partner to find out what day and what time it was. Turned out I'd slept for 22hrs, missing the phone ringing and messages coming through several times even though the phone was right by my head. I had been completely out of it.

I contacted my doctor over it and he wanted me to not continue the drug, he said it could be dangerous with that level of sedation but as I've had no luck with other drugs and really do need to be taking something (I always seem to get side effects as I'm often over sensitive to them, hence me being only able to take half the smallest dosage pill of Xanax), he ended up saying that I can try instead half a 25mg tab. (He also told me off for taking the Xanax with it so next time I'll leave that out).

I'd personally say that this is the kind of drug I dont want to abuse unless I didn't mind sleeping my days away. 22hrs sleep for a 15-30min trip.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85094
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Jan 21, 2021Views: 840
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : First Times (2), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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