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Interesting Sensations
Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   wolfy. "Interesting Sensations: An Experience with Sleep Deprivation (exp87309)". Sep 21, 2010.

This is an experience that happened to me during university due to sleep deprivation. I wasn't extremely deprived of sleep but it was enough to have produced some peculiar effects.

On a Thursday night we all went out to this club. I had class at 8am the next day but decided to go anyway. I should note that I only had three drinks this night so I don't think alcohol had any significant effect. I danced a lot that night and was very exhausted at the end of it, however upon returning home I did not go to sleep until about 5:30am, and woke up only a few hours later to go to class. So the day went by as normal, aside from being tired. But then that night I was working on a project until about 3:30 am, when I finally decided to go to bed. Shortly after laying down in bed and closing my eyes I began experiencing some strange sensations.

The first thing I noticed was like an external pressure on my chest from some unknown object. Not painful, just slight pressure, as if they were some object there. I then began to notice in my fingertips a sensation like they were wiggling around even though I was not moving them. And then, the most interesting part, I began to feel like there was a girl in the bed with me, rubbing up against me and so on. I could feel her when her body touched mine. And when she moved around I could sense where she was even when she was not touching me. The feeling of her presence was so convincing that I actually opened my eyes to check at one point. There was one point when she whispered in my ear and I had an auditory hallucination. I don't recall what she said. I don't think it was words so much as just sounds, but I definitely heard it.

I was awake this whole time, but with my eyes closed. It was a pretty interesting experience and really quite nice. And what surprises me is it took relatively little sleep deprivation to bring this on.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87309
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 21, 2010Views: 6,250
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Sleep Deprivation (140) : General (1), Alone (16)

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