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DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   Jebus. "I Am ENTRADERO!!!: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp9003)". Nov 3, 2020.

710 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  Few bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I have been fiending for something harder than weed lately but tabs and shrooms have been hard to come by. Anyway, I saw a warning about DXM being sold as E and decided to check out DXM. I was amazed when I found that this stuff was found in certain cough syrups. I went down to the local supermarket and swiped two bottles of cough syrup.

Later that evening I drank the awful tasting crap and couldn't finish the second bottle before puking. I smoked some weed and felt shitty about what I had just done. I figured since I had thrown up the juice I wouldn't even feel the DXM. Then I started to feel like I was an idiot for thinking cough syrup would get me high. We got in my friend's car and I noticed a slight buzz that one would normally get from slamming a few beers. A half hour later I was experiencing mild second plateau symptoms which included double vision, itching, the robo walk, and some pretty mellow hallucinations. All in all the night was pretty uneventful but I was pleased that all I had read about DXM was true and that there is a psychedelic drug I can find whenever I want.

The next day I read a few more experience reports and was stoked on the DXM again so I snagged 3 bottles of cough syrup. I was trying to think of a secure place to carry out my trip and I remembered a large park in my neighborhood. I decided that I wanted to sleep bum-style in the park. I gathered some basic supplies for an over-nighter in the park (walkman, food, water, syrup, and some warm clothes).

I got to the park at 7:30 and drank the three bottles over the course of the next hour while I waited for everyone to desert the park. After everyone was gone and I had finished the cough syrup, I smoked a few bowls and sat down. These are my last clear memories of the night.

Sometime later after I had explored the park for a while I zoned out completely. I pretended that I was a U.S. Marine on Iwo Jima. This was fun for a while until the DXM completely took over. I wandered the park in a zombie-like state for the next few hours until 12:33 when I had a moment of sanity in an ocean of delirium. There were some kids in the park getting drunk and I hated them. I did not know them but I wanted them gone so I screamed 'I AM ENTRADERO!!!' hoping to scare them off.

They left about a half hour later and I found myself analyzing my current state. I WAS STILL COMPLETLY F*CKED UP. I thought that I might never go back, I might remain a vegetable for the rest of my life or I might die. Surprisingly enough none of these thoughts frightened me because I was so grateful for the 17 years of life that had already experienced.

I felt compelled to regain my sanity however, and the only way I knew to avoid vegging out or dying was to get out of that park where the insanity was. I made it out and climbed into my car where I fell asleep at 3:00 AM listening to Mr Bungle CD's.

I was quite pleased with my second trip on this stuff; because, I came out of it knowing the value of a human life. I knew what a privileged it must be to receive the gifts of life, love, hope, and logic. The things that separate man from animal and make us all truly unique.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9003
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 3, 2020Views: 864
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DXM (22), Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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