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Good for Stomach
Lagochilus inebrians
by ekt
Citation:   ekt. "Good for Stomach: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians (exp90052)". Jan 9, 2017.

  oral Lagochilus inebrians (tea)
I've had a lot of stomach acid these last days, probably from a mix of bad diet and stress. I'm fighting it with baking soda and eating raw cardamom seeds, which work fine, but only bring temporary relief. Cardamom is great and works better than aluminim and magnesium salts available from drug stores.

Last night, I boiled some Lagochilus inebrians tea [20g in 1 liter of water] with a relaxant/mild recreational purpose. 30 minutes after having drunk the tea, my stomach was feeling fine. In addition, I experienced a very relaxed and contemplative state of mind (which was what I was looking for to start with).

Next morning, my stomach was still feeling great and I was able to drink a lot of coffee without any problems (coffee usually increases my stomach acid amount - or sensitivity - in a huge proportion).
Lagochilus is a great medicine for the mind and the stomach! The taste is cool too, if one's into bitter tastes. A wee bit of sugar makes the tea very palatable.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Jan 9, 2017Views: 2,133
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Lagochilus inebrians (345) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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