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Never Ever Again
Products - 'Molly's Plant Food'
Citation:   no name. "Never Ever Again: An Experience with Products - 'Molly's Plant Food' (exp90485)". Aug 8, 2011.

1 tablet oral Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc
[Erowid Note: Cannabis substitute "spice" type smoking blends, "Bath salts", "plant food", "incense", "tea" and similar products generally do not accurately list psychoactive ingredients or dosage on their packaging. Analysis has revealed that ingredients in a single product of this type may vary over time. The component chemical(s) may be different than what is assumed for this report.]

I took the whole pill which was 350mg and I felt like shit for 2 or 3 days with maybe the first 30 mins was 'fun' but I’m on my 3rd day still wired and not feeling right and havent eatin nothing.

I’m drinkin alot of fluids and flush my system of this stuff. In all reality I dont see how this is a substance you can buy in a gas station by the gum in the candy isle, so dont ever do it, go with the real thing if you do, because this is so unstable and not researched. I’m scared if this will even end today I’m on my third day still wired.I went to the hospital my first day they couldnt do nothing I left after 2nd day they said just sleep it off, and dont take nothing else, and if you do, do it, dont double dose when you feel like your 'losing your high' or whatever you wanna call what I experienced. Nothing like acid or coke more like someones bad idea that geeks you out and kills you faster then coke or any other illegal stimulants. I've done it all besides heroin, and I can say molly's plant food was the worse out of all of them, even smokin banana peels would of been funner then what I experienced and I've never smoked banana peels so think about that, ALL I'M TRYING TO DO IS WARN PEOPLE BEFORE YOU TAKE THIS DRUG, DONT just spend your 13-16$ on beer or something have way more fun and you get to go to sleep that day yay sleep is good.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90485
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 8, 2011Views: 9,471
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Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (521) : Unknown Context (20), Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5)

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