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Walk in the Park Withdrawal
Citation:   gerr5150. "Walk in the Park Withdrawal: An Experience with Kratom (exp92744)". Jan 23, 2014.

T+ 0:00
15 g oral Kratom (tea)
  T+ 12:00 15 g oral Kratom (tea)
I began using kratom about a year ago and after 2 months I was using it daily in doses of up to 15 g (sumatra or thai powder, made into tea) twice a day. This continued until about a week ago when I decided to give it up. After reading various accounts of withdrawal in these forums I have to say I was expecting the worst.

First off, I take the following supplements on a daily basis (and have the entire time I have used kratom) which may have contributed to a less severe withdrawal than I was expecting:

St. John's Wort 900 mg in the evening
5HTP 100 mg in the evening
L-Tyrosine 3,000 mg in the morning

I have read that the first two of these supplements, St John's Wort and 5HTP, both fortify the brains 'serotonin pathways'. I also read that these same pathways are involved in opiate withdrawal, so it's possible that the same could be true for kratom withdrawal.

Day 1 (20-24 hrs after last dose): Moderate diarrhea and stomach cramps are the only noticeable physical symptoms. Mental symptoms include mild to moderate anxiety and
depression as well as a desire to use more kratom. I also feel the need to get up and move around (restlessness). Although unpleasant, I wouldn't characterize these symptoms as disabling in any way. I should also note that I took a 'Calms Forte' homeopathic stress/anxiety relief supplement which may be helping although I admit it is difficult to tell. I am slightly taken aback as I was expecting more severity. When it's time for bed, I experience difficulty falling asleep and after an hour of tossing and turning I finally drift off. The sleep I do get is of low quality with frequent awakenings.

Thankful I'm off work today and tomorrow.

Day 2: I wake up feeling tired, which is expected due to how I slept. Diarrhea is still present, though throughout the day it has become less severe. Anxiety and depression are also still present though less severe. My desire to do more kratom is gone. Mild waves of anxiety continue throughout the day. Sleep this evening is, again, of low quality and is quite restless although not as bad as the night before.

Day 3: Still tired this AM although I feel much less anxious, depressed, and restless. In fact, these are barely noticeable. Diarrhea and stomach cramping are gone. This is as close to 'normal' as I have felt the last few days. I am able to function at work with minimal difficulty. Sleep comes easier tonight and although is not 100% back to normal I would say it's much better.

Day 4: Mildly groggy this am. For all intents and purposes I would say I'm 'back to normal,' whatever that is.

All in all this was not a very severe withdrawal process. I should also mention that I abused oxycodone when I was in my teens and the withdrawal was awful and lasted way longer. This was a walk in the park compared to that, and I believe it was worth it for the benefit I experienced while taking kratom.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92744
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 9,547
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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