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Gentle Clear Headed Feelings
Citation:   Revelator. "Gentle Clear Headed Feelings: An Experience with 4-fluromethamphetamine (exp92904)". Erowid.org. Jul 17, 2017. erowid.org/exp/92904

T+ 0:00
  insufflated 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00   insufflated 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00   insufflated 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00   smoked 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:15   oral 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:15   insufflated 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
Well would only be fair to share some background for reference. now I am 25 used extensively psycho actives, from pharms to rcs to natural to all others. basically its my biggest hobby and has been going strong since day one. I know my body and dosages due to previous exp, please take this to note everyone reacts differently.
prior to this report little to no cannabis used about 1 time monthly and all other chems a no go for at least a year. this is first rc for a while. although I frequent the cannibinoids I do refer to them more mainstream although they are still untested.

Setting : lost my job but got this on the same day so a little up and down. really excited to try a stim again. especially a new one. mmc mdpv etc were becoming very retested to not much avail.

no food eaten. the material is fine but does not stick together. unlike jwh series. it looks denser is a fine shade of off white. reliable vendor always legit and proper products.

I have tried 4mmc,mdpv,methylone and methamp also amphet. so I can compare well.
unfortunately i had to eyeball the doses but from years of exp there within what i had planned I use a mg scale alot so I can gauge well.

test dose.
1pm -10-20mg - snorted bout to go swimming I have a job interview later so want to keep it at small dose. This really burns alot like 2ce but last like 1 minute of agony,
it hurts though. just hope you got that part. well 10 mins later no hunger more upbeat energy its mild though. very mild but not a placebo. like a small dose of adderal. 10mg. can feel it in background but not enough for euphoria,. feels like mdpv without the bite into dopamine receptors. clean calm.

now 2.00-3pm(interview) pm - 30mgs
ramped it up a bit interview in an hour this stung really bad. def head change its really not in ur face at all like 4mmc. totally different. gradual clibing like mpdv but not as focused or like addereal or a small dose of meth amphe, 5 mg smoked. in comparison. not as spun or euphoric as I want. just clear headed and content on bus.
now lets see.

back home. 400pm/ interview went ok little bit more empathateic. nothing outstanding. I rail 100mg i think its about half a 4mmc 100mg dose in looks def not fluffly. this ripped my sinuses apart.

its been 15 mins and pretty disappointed for the pain the amount used and the fact I should be getting more from something close to MA. I think I'm barking up the wrong tree. so far a gradually clean gently stimulation. nothing pushy or dopamine clinging like MA or mdpv. feel more centered more awake nothing like I imagined. don't feel overly chatty just focused and collected. no rush like MA no intense peak or anything. doesn't even feel as if it is climbing,. so will try some other ROAs if this doesn't suffice.

so far though it has worked its just very very gently. feel like ritalin to me just not as speedy. will report back later with more to date,. whats surprising is i don't feel very much stimulation,. I'm awake but not by what a coffee can do and only slightly more productive/positive. a huge difference to what I was expecting being by now to be totally rolling dick./ but more testing needs to be done.

Back to wrap up this report now
5.pm 100mg line never really built up anywhere just remained calm and same as 20mg did. I have annoying head pressure. nose stops burning after 2 mins but its always a turn off where even if 4mmc burnt alot I would continue to do it through bleeding nostrils. this I would pin as no where near addictive.

well smoked aboutt 50mg or so within hr slight up effect a little on par with MA - super awaker feeling. tingling scalp and clear thoughts. its very weak this way and works but not recommended. only felt it max for 10-15 mins nothing like mdpv vaped. not much happened.

well so far its interesting but not unique I really would like to see this and MPA compared as they are similar in structure just wielding different effects.

I went balls out since i had 600mg or so left i bombed 150mg at 7.15 first oral. next I snorted around 3oogm left this was in 3 lots. looks like tiny lines for quantity. still gentle clarity.very sore head. head hurts pressure built up round the back. this really lacks luster and any sort of magic.

very bummmed out in testing this.no hit or anything. not even horny.not very awake or in the mood to dance. Shit compound. Maybe 4FA will be more interesting. I was at least expecting a hell of alot more from a g of fma consumed in less than 5 hrs.Guess it takes the research to get left with the best.

to wrap it up. I need alot to feel a gently clear headed stim feeling. not as euphoric and alot more mongy than meth. in the end pales in comparison to the parent molecules for me. oh I experiences minor comedown issues a serequel cleared up. insomnia was not to much of a problem just stayed awake ticking. zolpidem cleared that up. will follow up with a 4FA next.just so theirs some info out there. side effects for me strange head pressure. monged feeling and general crappyness really let the positives if any really slide,.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jul 17, 2017Views: 5,915
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