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I Had Been Dosing All Night
Citation:   killer33. "I Had Been Dosing All Night: An Experience with Methylone (exp93611)". Oct 22, 2020.

  repeated oral Methylone
Tripping on Methylone

Going to make this short and sweet as I do not have a great memory except of the visions I had.

I had been dosing methylone all night, 250mg was my avg dose and gave me a fun experience much like MDMA just not as long lasting. Re-dosing always happened every hour or even sooner at times, with either more or the same amount. This night, it was more, a lot more. I was tired of coming down so quickly so I took double of what I usually take and parachuted 500mg of the yellow goodness. I will not include time because I just do not know but it hit me like a freight train almost immediately, I thought I was going to die but was loving it. I had to go on a walk to calm myself down, and when I stepped out into the darkness the visions started coming. I was seeing the craziest most nonexistent things on such a familiar street. A trip to a quiet dock on the river was in order but the road seemed to be blocked by train tracks, I walked right over them like it was nothing. There were kids running around me but I'd blink and they would disappear. Sitting on the dock I would get that feeling of death coming on, more like an overdose feeling of panic and shortness of breath but I pushed on without panic and told myself to just calm down. I would look out over the moonlit water and see boats, not big boats but kayaks with people paddling, I saw what appeared to be animals walking on the water and visions of people swimming near the shore. I've had some crazy trips before but this was so visual and so controlable, I could close my eyes re-open them and they would be gone, then they would return in a different spot I looked and so on. Flashes of lightning were seen when I closed my eyes, and music was beautiful. I listened to some datsik and the wobbles and womps were speaking to me as if the music actually had lyrics, it was amazingly creepy but so awesome at the same time. I would definitely dive into this abyss again, but haven't for some reason. Possibly because of this substances addictive nature I have steered clear of it for a while.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93611
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 632
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Methylone (255) : General (1), Alone (16)

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