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It Was Not Worthwhile
Muira-Puama & Tea
Citation:   Romulus. "It Was Not Worthwhile: An Experience with Muira-Puama & Tea (exp95320)". Nov 10, 2020.

  smoked Muira-Puama (dried)
  2 tsp oral Muira-Puama (tea)
    oral Tea  
Being open minded to new experiences I was looking for an opportunity that would elevate my mood and hopefully provide somewhat of a new spiritual experience. The extent of my experiences have been marijuana & synthetic marijuana and a couple other light recreational drugs over my lifetime but I am not a regular user of anything.

During my search, I found a substance called 'Muira Pauma'. So I purchased a small bag for $9.95 from a supplier in Florida and waited for delivery. When the product arrived I immediately opened it and took and took a sniff just to see what it smelled like and the first thing that came to mind was 'garden mulch'. It had hints of oak, cedar and maple wood and it was a very coarse woody consistency. Wanting to get the effect right away I fired up a small bowl and noticed right away that it was the EXACT same smoke as any normal wood that you build a campfire with. To that end, I would submit that inhaling ANY type of smoke produces some sort of 'buzz' but as for Muira Puama being a psychadelic it simply is NOT. So for the smoking end it was a complete waste of money.

After I came to that conclusion, I decided perhaps it might work better as a 'tea' which was its other advertised purpose. So, realizing that the smell was enough evidence that it would probably not taste good by itself, I made some green tea with jasmine and then used a strainer to allow 2 teaspoons of the bark to steep in a cup. I also added 2 teaspoons of sugar and then drank it. The taste was 'ok' but the effects were like adding a 50% boost in caffeine to the already potent Green Tea
the effects were like adding a 50% boost in caffeine to the already potent Green Tea
. I compare it to the caffeine buzz of drinking about 2 cups of VERY strong coffee.

The advertisement also boasted that it could enhance sexual performance however I did not feel that it contributed to desire, performance or ability.

Overall Opinion: This is DEFINITELY 'NOT' a substance that is either effective or desirable as a smoking mechanism. As a 'tea' it's 'ok' but I will not be buying another batch to replace what I already have used. It was not a worthwhile experience for me.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95320
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 46
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 1,326
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