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Difficult but Positive Night
Cacti - T. bridgesii
Citation:   Themaaaaaan. "Difficult but Positive Night: An Experience with Cacti - T. bridgesii (exp95478)". Oct 28, 2015.

  oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (tea)
One night not long ago I got a hold of a few feet (3-4) of bridgesii cacti. The guy said it's the way to go if I'm going to dose on it. So the next afternoon I processed it by leaving it to simmer for 6 hrs (until there was a drinkable amount of liquid) the liquid left was enough to fit into a cereal bowl.

Because I had work the next day I was weary at this point seeing as how people have extremely long trips. I drank three quarters of the liquid and already had a placebo effect, which I take as my body saying, 'that's enough'. I watched futurama for an hour until I noticed the effects. Everthing was intense and it made me sick (not literally) to watch the show anymore so I tried to play guitar. At that point I knew what I should be playing but it was to hard to even hit a chord. So I started pacing.

I was extremely uncomfortable and couldn't believe how strong the effects were. I tried to do a bunch of things knowing that I could unlock any skill at this point but couldn't get my mind to wrap around what I was doing. I started feeling the trip go sour because I couldn't do anything as a human being and felt worthless. Nobody was with me and I wanted to talk to somebody really bad. I decided to lie down and grow my roots like the cactus. After lying in my bed I realized that is what you are supposed to do on cactus. I turned on shpongle and let my mind take me away.

Things are really difficult to remember after this but I do remember the feeling was pure euphoria with muscle tremors added. The high reminded me a lot of salvia where a great deal of the universe was blown into my mind. I heard a low undertone sound that I've heard on other types of cacti such as San Pedro
I heard a low undertone sound that I've heard on other types of cacti such as San Pedro
(which I took two feet of and had mild shroom/acid effects). I felt like my mind was somewhere else and the cactus took over my mind on earth. At this point I forgot my reality existed and I didn't know if I was doing crimes while I just thought I was lying in bed. I got really scared at times but in those times I was allowed to briefly see I was still where I thought I was. Every hour or so I had to get up to get another glass of water and every time I thought I was a different person. I thought I was my best friend along with a few other people. Shpongle really helped the trip and guided my healing. I knew that is what a person's mind really sounded like on drugs. My hallucinations were too intense but mostly just extreme tracers which made it impossible to tell what I was looking at. I thought of how weird things like sleep were (just letting your body out of your total control every day) along with the word itself.

After my girlfriend got home I could distinguish reality again but was still tripping super hard and couldn't even really speak. She talked with me some things I liked and some things I thought were too intense but she really helped. The experience lasted until about 6 am and I had to wake up for work at 10 am. The hangover wasn't anything I couldn't handle at work but so would recommend waiting for a day you don't need to worry about that.

After the experience I looked at life differently (in a positive way) it showed me a lot about how the universe works and why I should be happy as an individual. Even today I can still feel certain parts of the cactus spirit in me like I'm two people with great knowledge. I haven't been depressed since my trip and I was usually depressed before my trip. Use bridgesii with caution but don't be afraid, it will be kind to you if you are kind to yourself and it.

[Reported Dose: '3-4 feet']

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 95478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 28, 2015Views: 2,434
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