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Ghoulish Fun
Citation:   Pixie. "Ghoulish Fun: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp98130)". Mar 8, 2013.

12 mg oral Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
Some background information: I'm a senior in high school, fairly experienced with the drug world so far. Used to be a daily cannabis smoker for nearly half a year, & since have been taking a tolerance break of about 4 months. Have done Molly/MDMA about 7 times, 4-fa twice, cocaine once, with caffeine, adderall/ Concerta, Xanax, codeine, and alcohol all used very regularly. Before this night I'd previously taken MXE but the experience was very blurred due to the other combined substances that night, leaving this one very fresh.

So it's Halloween, and I'm going with a group of very casual, familiar friends of whom I've been with plenty of times while on any given substance, so I felt very comfortable. I was already super excited about the night anyway, it being my favorite holiday :) We dress up, eat plenty before departure, take a couple pictures, then get on our way. I drop 12mg of powder with a gulp of lemonade around 7.50.

+0:00 onset of happiness, most likely just excitement for the night and the oncoming experience
We drove around for a bit before hitting the streets for candy and ruckus. (To clarify, we did NOT while under any substance. I was not the one driving and everyone else around me was completely sober. Do not drive high ever!!)

Then at about a +0:25 I already start feeling it. It began as a little bit of a dizzy head, with everything starting to drag a little.
at about a +0:25 I already start feeling it. It began as a little bit of a dizzy head, with everything starting to drag a little.
The music playing on the ride sounds blank and almost a little hollow. Like I couldn't connect with it as I normally would, or especially as I find I do when on MDMA or cannabis.

+0:35 now experiencing a very sloppy kind of drunk feeling. Mind still cognitively in control, not trailing anywhere. Seriously spinning and slow head, I'm stumbling over my words, and speaking has become a difficulty. Not all bad though, euphoria effects are evident and nice :) but it felt as though every bit of me was constantly in motion.

From here we begin walking around neighborhoods, looking for candy and other kids to possibly hang with. Having a super fun time running through the trees, the cool fall air feels amazing! Though at one point I sat down on a curb where grass and sand spurs were, and I didn't feel them prick me one bit...

At + 1:35 the ground began breaking and looking uneven, as though every horizon I was looking at had a twitch. Slight dry mouth occurred, & I believe at around this point I needed help walking up and down stairs due to my vision being skewed and head space was still rotating. Lights and colors had halos and extreme brightness ruminating from them, not anything unfamiliar but very appealing to look at. Some tracers even! No crazy visuals or patterns though, just slight twangs and spasms of objects, as though they were a tape that skipped a few seconds. Very neat to just stand back and watch.

+ 3:20 Now back home, peak definitely came and went, and the coming down continued to have an affirmative buzz. With the body slowness wearing off my head could feel more of the giddy euphoria (ya know, the kind where you just have a silly grin on your face the whole time).

+5:00 in bed with my best friend watching the Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin movie, a classic I've always loved. The substance almost made me feel as though I was literally absorbed in the film. Had me laughing and exclaiming along with the characters the entire time! Very cute and fun :)

+9:30 (morning after) had no trouble sleeping whatsoever. My body was physically worn from running around all night, and the dizzy feeling already had me wanting to rest my head. Slept like a brick though, haha. Actually remembered my dream, which is very unusual for me! It was crazy vivid too...
+12:00 Still feel a slight head turn from the evening but not any hugh difference between average school grogginess or high hangover.

Most definitely a good experience, wouldn't recommend doing this unless you're with people you're comfortable with or in a house, definitely a couple times where I could have run off or stumbled and gotten hurt. Could certainly see myself taking a little more of the dosage and sitting at home with some music to get real introspective & really have visuals. Would be interested in combining this with perhaps a more opposite high, like adderall, just to really esteem the overall effect and take away some if the sloppiness.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98130
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 8, 2013Views: 1,454
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Methoxetamine (527) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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