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The Perfect Bad Trip but No Regrets
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
by Slim
Citation:   Slim. "The Perfect Bad Trip but No Regrets: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp98684)". Dec 19, 2021.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (extract)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
This is the scenario I was tripping in - the perfect recipe for a bad trip!!

-It was my 22nd birthday
-It was December 20, 2012 (The eve of the supposed Mayan apocalypse, and everyone was talking about the world ending)
-I didn't know if the way I prepared the cactus was going to work
-It was my first time tripping with other people, I always trip alone
-I was expecting my Dad to come around, and didn't want him to notice my blown pupils if he did.
-Watched Bridge to Terabithia, while tripping, which is essentially about drug abuse, which scared me as I use drugs often.
-Smoked way too much weed while tripping
-It was far too hot and I spent far too much time in the sun walking around.

-I've used 2C-C and Mescaline a few times previously, and it has always been positive. I'm also a chronic daily pot smoker and abuse NOS and painkillers often, as I'm very reckless when anything is available to me.

-I cut the cactus down to small slices, skinned and de-spined. I placed them in a food dehydrator for 2 days until bone dry, and placed in a blender to make powder. Then for 4 days I added 90%alc. absinthe to the powder, pouring it off into a container once a day and refilling with absinthe. Then I evaporated off the alcohol until I was left with a black, sticky tar.

My house. 2 friends came over to trip as well.

We smoked some pot and decided to roll the cactus tar in icing sugar and swallow. It went down easy. Decided to go for a walk through nature. It was summer and unseasonably hot, and we walked for an hour and a half. I spent far too much time in the sun and probably got dehydrated, not to mention very tired physically from walking. Just before I got home I was hit with a sudden wave of nausea and stopped to get a gatorade. I felt disconnected from reality slightly. I thought maybe it was the sun and the pot wearing off, and tried to ignore it. Gatorade tasted like shit.

Got home and decided to drive to the shops to get a meal. I didn't think the mescaline was going to work, and felt extremely nauseous. I decided not to eat, but my friends did. They didn't feel sick, but I have stomach problems, and maybe that's why only I got sick. Also they are Asian and Indian and are used to eat freaky foods.

Drove home, and the mescaline kicked in when I got into the car. NEVER drive on drugs. It was terrifying, I could not focus at all. I didn't expect the trip to come on so suddenly and strongly, and should have left the car and walked home. I will NEVER do this again, and urge everyone reading this to stay well away from cars on any kind of substance.

Put on Bride to Terabithia, which is essentially about reckless drug abuse. It made me extremely guilty about my current lifestyle of drug abuse. I watched the movie sporadically between marveling at CEVs, and watching my room melt. I didn't get the usual euphoria I get from mescaline, instead I felt disconnected, tired and sick. My friends were having a great time. I smoked some weed and smoked far too much accidentally, while spacing out, and made myself feel worse.

6PM approx
The movie had finished and from here there is a bit of a black hole in my memory. I was hot, tired, and not having a great time. Every time I heard a car I thought it was my Dad and jumped up to look out the window, terrified of him telling me off for using drugs. I was having paranoid delusions and couldn't control my thoughts, which were dark and scary. It's also interesting to note my kaleidoscoping CEVs were more than colorful patterns - I saw Aztec patterns and cave paintings, which I found extremely interesting.

I have no recollection at all of the few hours until now, but my friends wanted to walk to the park at the end of my street. The walk there was terrifying. I could barely control my body, and my whole field of vision was wobbling so hard I got motion sickness. Every 15 seconds or so I would stop and have a panic attack, unsure what was happening or where I was. It was twilight, and the mountains in the distance looked like something out of Lord of the Rings. I could see lightning hitting them, and huge ancient-looking towers, and vast distances of houses in between us looked like Orc camps. My friends said it looked like a mountain and some houses. They weren't tripping nearly as hard as I was - they were having an introspective, energetic trip, and were enjoying it.

I convinced myself that what I was seeing was actually real, and that I wasn't tripping. I was witnessing the Mayans returning , and this was the apocalypse. I told my friends we should head home. I then became convinced they were cops posing as my friends, and trying to follow me home to bust me for whatever drugs they found in my house. When I told them I didn't want to go home, they told me I had to, which made the paranoia worse. For the 5 minute walk home I must have experienced hundreds of paranoid delusions that I was dying, I was in trouble with the law, the world was ending, you name it, I experienced it. It was nothing like the beautiful, introspective, incredible trips I'm used to.
I must have experienced hundreds of paranoid delusions that I was dying, I was in trouble with the law, the world was ending, you name it, I experienced it. It was nothing like the beautiful, introspective, incredible trips I'm used to.

We listened to some music. Everything was too intense for me though, so I lay in bed. My friends put on the music video for some Pink Floyd song but I had to shout at them to turn it off, I couldn't handle the emotions and imagery that came from it, everything was too intense, I thought I was losing my mind, and I was probably right.

My friends had come down significantly and wanted to explore the city for the rest of their trip, and tried to get me to come along, but all I could manage was to lay in bed and watch everything terrifying happen around me. They thanked me for the mescaline and left.

I laid in bed, eyes wide open. No CEVs because my eyes were never shut. Visuals stopped altogether around half past midnight. The whole time I was filled with an overwhelming sense of fear and dread, so much so that I couldn't move, except to smoke a little bit of weed now and again, until I eventually fell to sleep.

Woke up uncharacteristically early, I normally wake around 11. I felt great, energetic, positive, and optimistic. I wanted to talk to everyone and tell them how I loved them. I always get this afterglow from mescaline and 2C-C, and it always lasts around 7-10 days. My body was extremely tired though, and I was very dehydrated, but I went to work at 2 and was fine all day. I noticed a flash of color around 3pm, and the carpet wobbled a little at 3.30, but that was the only negative side effects. I smoked some pot when I got home (11pm) and ate like a horse all night.

It's now 2 days after I tripped. I look back on it and laugh, it was the most insane thing I've ever experienced and I regret nothing. It was a fantastic learning experience. Even though I'm not sure how it could have gone worse at the time, it's left no lasting effects on me. I look back with amazement and feel like it has given me courage to deal with anything in my life. I'm still experiencing the fantastic afterglow very strongly, and have decided to go back to Uni and study in a couple months. I made a promise to quit my drug abuse too, but still plan to smoke pot daily. I'll do mescaline every month or so, but quit everything else. My friends had an amazing time and can't wait to do it again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98684
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 19, 2021Views: 1,251
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)

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