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From Fun to Hospital
Citation:   Milk Bar. "From Fun to Hospital: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp99944)". Erowid.org. Sep 26, 2013. erowid.org/exp/99944

2 hits   25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
Background: I am 16 years old. I have experienced a few drugs. I've tried marijuana, mushrooms, synthetic spice, LSD, although never well, bath salts, alcohol, painkillers, and DXM. At the time of the experience, I thought myself to be an 'experienced' psyconaut.

Mindset and Setting: I was excited, and in a good mood before taking it. I was at one of my friend's house who I've tripped, smoked, and drank at quite often. It was a rather comfortable environment for me. Two other friends would be joining me, A being the person who brought it and B being the other person taking it, two others taking DXM, C and D, and another being the sober trip sitter for us all, E, although this was his first time trip sitting alone.

Trip: So to start us off, I'll get this point out of the way. I thought I would be taking LSD, that was one of my main reasons for being so excited, and hearing so many good things about this from others, believed it to be legit. As it turns out, it was a relatively new substance called 25i. I had heard of it and knew about it, and if this is what I knew I was taking, I would've backed out on this one. This night is hard for me to relive, it was a very negative trip. I want this report out there so that anyone considering it will see something besides 'I love it!' or 'Greatest trip ever!'. So with that being said, I'll start the trip report.

We had all been waiting around for a while. C being a fellow psyconaut wanted to partake, but didn't have the cash to, so he decided to bring his DXM that he had left over from another trip. C and D both took the DXM about an hour before A arrived. A was not welcomed at this house due to the parents not liking him so he snuck through the window. This was at maybe 11:45. We all talked and were excited. Those of us taking it dosed at 11:55. I took two hits along with A, and B took one. After about 10 minutes with the hit still in my mouth, I decided to get everyone to meditate. I had an actual connection with someone across the world, not induced by the drug, which surprised me, because it usually happens when I'm alone. After 10 minutes I start feeling it and get really giddy so I break up the meditation. I left twice to go to the bathroom in the next 5 minutes and that's the last true memory I have, besides of A saying 'Oh, uh, I think you should know, people have had seizures from this and died.' Everything else is very distorted.

From those around me: I started acting funny, then just stopped talking. They noticed after 5 minutes and asked my name. I responded by saying E's last name in a funny voice, which was an inside joke I usually say during class. Then they asked me to spell my name. I responded by stressfully saying L-S-D. They were starting to get worried at this point. They splashed me with water to try to get me to snap back into it, but it didn't work. I then started hitting my head on the wall, which woke up B's parents. His dad came into the room and asked what was going on, and when he found out they took me downstairs. They then called 911 and had me rushed to the emergency room around maybe 2:00. After about 3 hours I started coming down, and things started making sense. I was released around 8:00A.M.

From My Perspective: This is a very very messed up trip to me. I want people to know just how messed up this stuff can make you. So let's start. After returning back from the bathroom, I went to the playroom and stood in the corner, and then was like C's looking at me funny! Everyone else was like calm down and sit down. So I listened. I was now back on B's bed which was where I started out. Then the room darkened and A turned to me with an evil grin and nothing but his face lighted and issued the words, 'His sentence is... 25I...' At this point I was truly scared. Then, everyone started throwing wolf's blood onto me. I was soaked and embarrassed. I then grabbed control of the situation. And then, B and I were alone and being weird tripping, but we were like half boy half girl people, and acting weird with out little dogs, and gossiping about our lives which were limited to that one room. Then, I unzipped his body and found it was me. I did this to another every 5 minutes. I was then surrounded by myself. Then I was carried like a king down the stairs, but was brought to a wasteland version of his living room. I just chilled there then walked through the wasteland. I was then stopped by a weird mutated freak wolf mixed with a german sherpard, and my blood started spurting everywhere. Those around me (everyone mentioned and B's parents) were saying you should've stayed. Then a huge bald black police officer got in my face with a flashlight and said, 'What's this fucker's problem?' A stretcher was then brought it, and many shots were administered to me, and I heavily smelt alcohol on the doctors in the ambulance I was brought to. I then used my mind powers to turn them all to me. I then murdered all but one of them, and their spirits started flying around me. I then said to myself, Yes a perfect world of you, everything will be you, you're the smartest, sexiest, most awesomest person on this planet. It should be after you, you are perfection, we should make love. I then created a whole world with my powers. I was then brought through weird hospital halls immediately on the stretcher. Then evil doctors were trying to experiment on me because I was 'perfection'. Then one of the nurses said (this part being true) 'We only need a little pee, just this much'. I thought I was suddenly in a porno, and was confused. I wasn't able to grasp my mind around this and when I was left alone to pee in the container, I sat there staring at it. They came back in and asked me if I had and I said I didn't have to. They then suddenly turned evil and said 'Ok we HAVE to now!' They then inserted a catheter. I screamed louder than anything. I then kept asking my mom if I could go to bed, because I had been trained to do that if I was under pressure from an adult while on drugs. After a while I realized where I was. After my heart rate went down, I was released.

Conclusion: This was not what I wanted. I woke up in the hospital, scared confused and pissed off. I had to have a catheter put in and taken out. And now, I've lost all my privileges. My mom doesn't trust me at all. I had the worst experience, and now realize how self-absorbed I actually am. I never believed it to be a problem before, but I realize how much of an asshole I am, and life is just starting to become too much. I can barely enjoy things anymore because this trip is always on my mind. If you are offered 25I, I say you should stay away. It's just bad news. I also know about 3 people who had seizures on this stuff. Another completely lost his shit and was put in a mental ward for 72 hours. Please, if you don't heed my warning, at least be careful. Peace.

Note: I'm sorry for how hard this may be to understand, I barely understand it myself. I believe this stuff has fucked me up for the rest of my life, maybe not physically, but spiritually.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 26, 2013Views: 9,700
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25I-NBOMe (542) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Various (28)

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