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The People's Guide to
Deadly Drug Interactions
Rating :
Author(s) :
Joe Graedon
Teresa Graedon
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
Publisher :
St. Martin's Press
Includes vital information on Lanoxin, Vasotec, Cardizem, Naprosyn, Prozac, Mevacor, Seldane, Ortho-Novum 777, Capoten, Tagamet, Coumadin, Lopressor, Calan, Micronase, Dilantin, Cipro, Voltaren, and scores of other commonly prescribed medicines.

"At last, someone has tackled this most complex and critical area. Only the Graedons could make this clear and understandable. A 'must have' for anyone interested in their health."
-- Dean Edell, M.D., Medical Journalist, KGO-TV

"Every health-conscious consumer should have a copy of this at arm's reach."
-- Pedro Cuatrecasas, M.D., President, Pharmaceutical Research Division, Parke-Davis

"A consumer-friendly, accurate, and useful resource for professionals as well as patients."
-- Fred Eckel, Professor, UNC School of Pharmacy

"An essential resource for every home medical library. Sure to become a classic."
-- Tom Ferguson, M.D., Medical Editor, The Essential Whole Earth Catalog