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Daimistas Arrested in Italy
by Erowid
Mar 22, 2005
Twenty-four members of the Santo Daime Church were arrested in Italy following a eight-month police investigation. Forty liters of ayahuasca (erroneously referred to as "DMT" in media reports) were confiscated.
(ANSA) - PERUGIA, 18 MAR - La Finanza ha arrestato 24 aderenti al movimento psuedo-religioso denominato 'Santo Daime' o 'Ayahuasca' per traffico di droga. L'operazione 'Mistica', durata otto mesi, ha permesso di sequestrare 40 litri di Dmt (dimetiltriptamina), sostanza psicotropa allucinogena, utilizzata - fa rilevare la Gdf - dalla stessa congregazione. Le ordinanze di custodia riguardano persone di nazionalita' italiana, brasiliana, francese e portoghese.

Translation: The "Guardia di Finanza" arrested 24 members of a pseudo-religious movement named "Santo Daime" or "Ayahuasca" [sic] for drug trafficking. This police operation, named "Mistica", began 8 month ago and permitted the seizure of 40 liters of DMT [sic], a hallucinogenic substance used by the group. In this operation were arrested people from Italy, Brasil, France and Portugal.

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