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Infinity and Déjà Vu
Citation:   Recino. "Infinity and Déjà Vu: An Experience with DMT (exp103238)". Mar 12, 2020.

8 mg smoked DMT
Background: This would be my second DMT trip, prior to which I had a 25-I trip and a mushroom trip. This time I was determined to breakthrough, but my friend wanted to give me a ‘conservative dose’ since I hadn’t done it in about six months. By conservative dose I mean about 8mg.

Setting: I was at his house with two other people, but it was only him and I in his garage. He is someone I actually feel comfortable with being around while doing psychedelics because I usually get paranoid around people. However, he has a more eastern philosophy and could be considered a true psychonaut. The garage has a few fractal posters with a black-light over the pool table. We had the light on and I was on the two seat couch while he was in the chair beside me.

Set: I had decided to go on this trip the night before. I had talked about it earlier in the week and was certain I needed to return to the hyperspace. I love ‘ego death’ trips and using psychedelics to work out issues in my life.
I love ‘ego death’ trips and using psychedelics to work out issues in my life.
So I had decided to go on this to help this, but once he said I could come over the night before I started doing my research. I like to get the right mindset by reading others experiences and in this case I listened to several of Terence McKenna’s lectures. I was prepared for anything, but what really stood out to me was Terence McKenna talking about the gnomes and how they said “Déjà vu” at the end of his trip.

Consumption: My friend was holding the bong that he has used to smoke DMT out of a lot. He sandwiched it with cannabis. I was holding the bong in my hands, but he was also holding it to be safe. He lit the top to get a cherry and then ‘bounced’ the flame on top of the bowl. I was inhaling and got a big enough hit where I was getting smoke before he pulled the carb.

When he pulled the carb he counted to 15 before I exhaled. Around ten I started to get a low buzzing and my face was vibrating, almost resonating with the hum. I went for the second hit and got a fair bit, he counted to ten that time before I exhaled. By this point the room seemed super dark and my entire body felt super heavy. It was a weight that didn’t feel painful just difficult to move and control. I let him know I wanted the last hit and he told me to hold it as long as I felt comfortable. It felt like I held that for around ten seconds, but it was probably closer to two or three.

Coming Up: I looked around to center myself, but quickly shut my eyes. Even though this was an easy dose I wanted to ego death so I quickly shut my eyes. As soon as I shut my eyes I had a dark gray background with some soft patterns. They were moving slowly and un-uniformly. It didn’t take very long until the humming enveloped my hearing, which caused the soft patterns to take shape and form a paradoxical tunnel. The tunnel was actually just where ‘I was’ and I was surrounded by 3d fractal kaleidoscopic patterns. The pattern came from a central point but had no beginning or end. The center point was wherever I looked. The tunnel walls was made of sides perhaps 10 or 12 of them. The entire tunnel was rotating smoothly, but each wall was making jerky movements like the second hand of a cheap watch. The tunnel looked like this, but the shapes were various geometric patterns that were moving independently and were changing colors, mainly blues, reds, and green-yellows. The shapes also kept changing sort of like a lava lamp.

Peak: It didn’t take long before this image overwhelmed me. The entire time I was travelling through it. It was around this time I became aware that my body was laughing hysterically and crying. This is where the true trip decided. I realized that I wanted to lay down instead of having my feet on the floor, but as soon as I moved them an inch I went back to the trip. During this time I would become aware of a real world object rather it was a part of my body or the fluorescent light. If it was my body then the fractal image would emerge from that point and I would be flying out of it. If it was the light then I would go through the light and the fractal would come through. So the difference is I went through the origin of the fractal if it was the light otherwise I came from it.

Either way around this time my friend started drumming on a bucket in the room. This caused me to enter a pattern that happened thousands of time. Either I became aware of my light or body and would start moving through or from the origin, then I would become aware of the drumming and humming music which would cause me to “see” the tunnel for its true beauty. At this moment I would get outside of the tunnel to realize that it was just something that was inside of a smaller tunnel. However, I would best describe these tunnels as whole dimensions or universes. Except instead of being related they were larger or smaller and in the brief moment that I got outside of one I could see it for its entirety. It is hard to describe but while I was in the tunnel my view was limited to it but when I could see it entirely I could see how small it really was. And during this moment I was aware of my body which I could move for a half a second before this happened again. This pattern repeated so much that I was repeating thoughts I wanted to say or things I wanted to do to realize I had never actually done it in the first place, but had just thought of it. Of course that would take my brief moment in the physical world so I was stuck in “déjà vu.”

Coming down: The coming down was somewhat gradual in between these dimensional tunnels I got more and more time in the physical world until I would have between 10-20 seconds before going back a couple more times. The coming down was actually like a joke I had heard about you would come back to the physical world and sure the walls were breathing and my friends face was swirling but I was considering myself back even though that would be an intense shroom trip.

Opinion of trip: I tried to recount as many details as I could to my friend immediately afterwards and I am writing this the day after. However, within a minute or two my intense trip became foggy. I described my memory as taking a completely 3 dimensional object and putting a 2-d sketch on paper. But, the trip was extremely intense and felt like it lasted for days. I described it as infinite and ‘déjà vu’. I didn’t breakthrough that trip but did another an hour later where I did, but I struggled to remember it even a minute later so I can’t really write about that one.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 12, 2020Views: 702
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DMT (18) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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