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My Routine
Citation:   KRS-ONE. "My Routine: An Experience with Kratom (exp103725)". Oct 21, 2020.

  repeated oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
My Kratom Routine

Here I'll be writing about my experience with the first batch of Kratom I received, this all happened about 5 months ago so the experiences are still clear in my memory.

Rather than talk about the individual experiences I've had I'll be describing a typical night of use, using a method I figured out after weeks of trial and error. I find there are so many variables with Kratom and it never hurts to get more information about how to get the most of it out there. My mindset for the entirety of these experiences was always relaxed, curious and excited! I mean hey, I like this stuff.

8:00PM: Eat the last food I’ll have for awhile, I find its best to fast four hours before consuming kratom. I always drank plenty of water between eating and dosing.
I find its best to fast four hours before consuming kratom. I always drank plenty of water between eating and dosing.

11:00PM: drink a big glass of grapefruit juice, the jury’s still out on whether this potentiates kratom but I do know It potentiates opiates and Kratom being similar I figured why not. I found it made the effects stronger and last longer, might as well seeing as its only 4$ for a big jug.

11:30PM: drink some more grapefruit juice for good measure, I’ve still been drinking water casually this whole time. I make myself a sandwich or something else fairly light to eat later on in the evening.

12:00AM: Toss n’ wash time! I always did this in ˝ tsp increments until I consumed the final dose of 2 ˝ teaspoons. My favorite experiences have been with the maeng da powder but I’ll talk more about that at the end of my report.

12:10AM: I always went out for a cigarette right after dosing and cleaning up my bags of kratom and teaspoons. I would already be feeling the Kratom when I lit the cigarette, along with some minor stomach discomfort but it was more that “something coming” feeling rather than anything tangible. About halfway through the smoke my limbs would feel heavier, I would feel warmer, and my vision would become slightly “shinier”. I feel that a cigarette is a great way to kick off the high but its not mandatory.

12:20AM: come back in from my smoke and head downstairs to lay down on my couch and listen to music with all but one of the lights off at this point I was definitely feeling high, and a little weak from just having a smoke after not eating for so long. Over the course of this hour the most notable effects would be: Euphoria, extreme comfort, “the nod”, intense audio stimulation, visually there is a shimmer and things are brighter. the best way I can describe these effects happening all at once would be a waking dream from which I never wanted to return.

1:20AM(aprox.): Go out some another smoke, I definitely peaked sometime during the previous hour but the effects have only subsided a little, just enough to allow me to get off the couch and go outside without great difficulty . The combination of a change of scenery and some good old fresh, cold winter air ( mingled with plenty of poisonous cigarette smoke) seem to give the high that “new” feeling again for a short while.

1:30AM: Head back downstairs for some more music, Its still very enjoyable and I’m very comfortable laying down on my couch. I am still experiencing all the effects mentioned earlier although they all slowly diminishing. The first effects to go would be the euphoria and the feeling of being in a waking dream. Whereas the comfort, audio stimulation and visual stimulation still remain quite strongly.

2:30AM: By this time the effects have trailed off into an enjoyable relaxing “downer” buzz, although Its not much compared to what I was feeling just two hours ago it is still very nice. Music isn’t really doing much for me anymore so I switch to some of my favorite TV shows. These are more stimulating than usual and I am still enjoying just laying on my couch. At this point there is some stomach discomfort and I am feeling pretty weak (I haven’t eaten for 6ish hours thats a long time for me).

3:00AM: I eat the sandwich I made earlier and continue to watch TV, the stomach discomfort is still there but the food always helps pick my mood up and In my case the stomach discomfort is mostly because I’m feeling hungry anyway. I spend the next little while watching TV or browsing the internet then I head off to be, I usually feel asleep by around 4am.

Next day: wake up feeling fresh as a daisy, maybe a bit groggy but I could attribute most of that to my erratic sleeping patterns

Other notes:

I find I got the best effects using Maeng da powdered Kratom, It has a deeper more sedative feeling to it than other types though It is not as visually or mentally stimulating as most. One night I did achieve open and closed eye visuals on Maeng da, they weren’t full blown hallucinations but they were there.

Re dosing Is a waste of money in my opinion, every time I re dosed about an hour after my initial dose I only got a slight bump in the high. It really seems to prolong and exaggerate the stomach discomfort and in higher doses has lead to getting the spins and dysphoria.

Fasting beforehand really does play a huge role in how much you will get out of the Kratom, 3-4 is fine but anything less than that doesn’t really deliver the effects I’m after. Plenty of water is a must for me, throughout that whole experience I just described I was drinking a glass of water every 30 min or so.

This stuff mixes with alcohol very well (I always drank beer with it
I always drank beer with it
so I don’t know about hard alcohol). If I'm with friends and want to remain social I take a white vein powder or a green vein as opposed to the more sedative red vein. At first I can feel the two distinct highs but then they blend into this great “thick” relaxing buzz. I would not take the full 2 ˝ tsp or drink a lot to begin with. A little seems to go a long way with this combination.

Tolerance seems to become an issue after about 2 days of use ( once per day) I would not dose more than once per day and I would not use for more than 2 days in a row. At that point I have had to use more Kratom to achieve the same ( in most cases a lesser) effect.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103725
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 21, 2020Views: 952
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