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Employee of the Month
Citation:   Capisce. "Employee of the Month: An Experience with Phenibut (exp105754)". Nov 24, 2020.

1 - 3 g oral Smarts - Phenibut (powder / crystals)
I take Phenibut to get through my job. This has led me to take it nearly every day for approximately the last four months. There have been days during that period in which I did not consume Phenibut such as days that I did not have to work, mostly Saturdays and Sundays.

I do customer service over the phone. People are often huge assholes or just complete morons. I have never considered myself extremely adept at conversing with strangers, especially people who are seemingly mad at me for no reason so it was somewhat stressful for me starting out in this position. While I have been aware of Phenibut and have experimented with it sparingly for nearly two years, it has only been recently that I have discovered how powerful it can be. When I first heard about it, I was amazed something like this existed and that I had not heard of it previously. I ordered 30 grams and promptly tried a “scoop”, a low dose around 500 mg just to test the waters. It seemed extremely subtle and I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling was Phenibut or placebo. I experimented with it off and on over the next year but never took it regularly as I just didn’t feel that much from it.

Then I started this job. The prospect of going into the office and getting bitched out for six hours seemed ripe for some sort of drug consumption to ease the overall shittiness; I remembered Phenibut. I started to wonder what would happen if I took an obscene amount.

Here’s how my week generally goes:

Monday: 2.5-3 grams. Monday’s suck so they need the most. This puts me in a generally good mood, makes me talkative, and helps me to let assholes “roll off” me.

Tuesday: ~2 grams. Same effects, yet slightly diminished.

Wednesday: ~2 grams. Ditto.

Thursday: ~ 2 grams.

Friday: ~1 gram. Even more diminished effects due to lower dosage as well as tolerance.

Saturday: ~1 gram. I take this dosage mainly for the placebo; it’s negligible whether I actually feel anything at this dosage, but taking it makes me feel like I feel it a little.

Sunday: 0 grams. I am off Sundays and try not to take it, though I may take a scoop at night so I can sleep.

I know that this schedule is not what is generally recommended for Phenibut consumption. It is widely accepted that the “safest” way to consume Phenibut is 2 days on, 3 days off, or something similar to that.


Phenibut takes about 90 minutes to kick in and lasts for approximately 12 hours.

On SOME of my days of heaviest consumption (>3 grams) I notice mild stimulation and euphoria during the first two hours of coming up. I do not feel this unless I take a lot, and I do not feel this every time. I think it depends on my overall baseline energy for the day. After this, I feel overall drowsiness for the remainder. THIS STUFF IS SLEEP FUEL. I generally consume caffeine to stave off sleepiness.

When I consume sleep fuel (i.e. Phenibut) my body ceases to make its own sleep fuel because hey, why waste energy on something that’s already in high supply? This makes it hard to sleep if I quit taking Phenibut abruptly. On it though, sleep is as easy as closing my eyes and as satisfying as dozing on a cloud with the moon smiling down on me. Phenibut makes me sleep better than I have ever slept in my life. It makes my dreams extremely vivid. It also makes me snore terribly, something my girlfriend is understandably averse to.

Phenibut makes me horny at high doses. This stuff is an aphrodisiac for me.

At extremely high doses, it makes me dizzy, like having the spins when you’re really drunk. I notice this most often happens after I take a sizable dose in the morning, then redose later in the day, even if the second dose is small.

Phenibut lowers inhibition. I have noticed myself posting more stuff on social media, which is normally something I never do. I generally keep to myself but on Phenibut I find myself socializing with co-workers more.

I understand that Phenibut is basically GABA with a Phenyl molecule added so that it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Perhaps I feel more anxiety when not on Phenibut because I have a GABA deficiency. Maybe that’s just who I am and I shouldn’t worry about making myself different by consuming mass amounts of terrible tasting powder. This is an internal struggle for me. It does make me better at my job; since I’ve been taking Phenibut I’ve been given employee of the month and a promotion. Maybe I could do that without it.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 24, 2020Views: 2,532
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Workplace (51), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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