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Bedroom Weirdness
Citation:   R._G._. "Bedroom Weirdness: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp107069)". Aug 22, 2018.

1000 ug oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
A little background: No psychological problems, no illnesses, nothing. I'm just an average kid with strange obsessions.

I've been interested in psychedelics for about four years now. My interest was sparked while playing Atari Anthology for the PS2 - something that has a slew of Atari classics. There's a setting on the game entitled 'Trippy mode.' I asked my mother what this was, to which she explained it's what someone sees when they're on a drug called 'Acid.' They see this, the walls will bloat, and your lamp might start talking to you; They're called hallucinations, she explained. I was clean at this point, mind you. Thinking 'oh geez, drugs are bad!' but the idea of seeing things that aren't there, especially like that, heavily intrigued me. I did a little reading here and there over the course of two years, thinking how I'd never obtain such a wonderful substance. It was always in the back of my head... Until I discovered bitcoin, and the darkweb. Needless to say, two years later, I finally had my very own (and legal at the time!) hallucinogenic: NBOME.

Up until this point, I knew what to expect from various experiences here: Hallucinations, and the importance of set and setting. So one day in November, I decided it was finally time to take the journey. I asked my friends beforehand if I could have a safe place, maybe hang out with them, have one as a trip sitter, but nobody condoned such a thing. So I was alone.
I decided it was finally time to take the journey. I asked my friends beforehand if I could have a safe place, maybe hang out with them, have one as a trip sitter, but nobody condoned such a thing. So I was alone.

I loaded up my MP3 player with Techno music I loved, knowing it'd make a nice come-up. I preceded to take the tab just as everyone else explained: Between lip and gum, don't swallow anything for about 20 minutes. So I laid back, blasted oldschool gabber, and let the fun begin.

It didn't seem like anything was really happening. I checked the time, T+20 minutes, and swallowed. I left for the bathroom, and on the toilet, staring down at my feet, my vision blurred for less than a second. 'Oh my god! I'm doing it! I'm tripping!' I thought, feeling so excited I'm actually going on a trip. What I do next is something some people might find disturbing.

I get up, go to the mirror, and just sit there. I stare at my face. My eyes move in, my face becomes thinner, longer, and appears deteriourated. I blink, back to normal, then warping... again and again. It was strange, but entertaining. And it just gets weirder from there.

I go back to my bedroom. Not knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do on this strange and wonderful journey, I continue listening to music. The weirest and strangest thoughts run through my head. I didn't fear them, I just thought they were strange. I couldn't lie perfectly still for long, either. Had to stretch occasionally. I tried doing things, but ended up forgetting them or becoming interested in something else. The music sounded strange, sometimes even uncomfortable. I think the most uncomfortable aspect was that I watched the nightmare before christmas a couple days ago, and the mayor's smiling side of his face appeared in my imagination, face contorting ever more. But I wiped that away with another distraction. At one point I was laying down and remember myself at some sort of alter, my face in what seemed to be an infinite void. I felt I was giving up my spirit. And then I was on to something else! But nonetheless I'm as trippy as a starfish, just enjoying myself in this state. Music sounds strange, thoughts becoming even weirder.

At one point I remember talking to someone that wasn't there, named 'Boxy.' My thoughts and feelings revolved around it for a while - If I were to think (or hallucinate) something, I included it somehow. For example, I imagined me in a car flying upwards, thinking, 'Oh yay! Now it's just me, Java, and you. Okay maybe just you and me.' There was another time where I plugged my MP3 player in to listen to music worry free, and I said, softly, outloud, 'Yaaaaayyy... Now we have infinite musics boxy...' And yet another, where, after firing up my rasperry pi, I somehow found a binary file (opened a PDF with leafpad?) and there were only two box symbols on screen. 'Boxxyyyy... how did you get in there..... hehehehehe...' Creepy, right? It gets better!

I suppose the weirdest part of my journey was talking to boxy through recordings on my MP3 player. I was just chattering away, reminding myself of L. Ron Hubbard and how he chattered away at random things. The only phrase I can recall is 'You're my voice in, I'm your voice out. I'm your voice in, and you're my voice out. See how that works, boxy? It's an infinity.' Speaking of L. Ron Hubbard, I pulled out a notebook to write things down in. Well, write to boxy, as you could imagine. Very spidery handwriting I had! Illegible at times.

I walk to the bathroom again. And again, and again. A lot. No reason, really, I just felt a desire to do so. Sometimes I felt I was walking on the moon, or tightrope, and walked very slowly and awkwardly. I do the mirror again. Only this time, I stare, whispering, 'You're fucked up. You're so fucked up. All you'll ever be is fucked up.'

Some last notable things on this trip is that I turned on my blacklight, and looked at the reflection of my orange T-Shirt on something. It was wobbling a lot, and I thought, 'hey, it's gonna eat me! heehehhehe.'

So, it's T+8 hours now, and I'm sober enough to do my morning things before school. I remember, walking out of my room, like I'm sort of like a mad scientist or something. School was alright. Towards the morning hours I remember thinking 'Good god, what have I done? Did I go to far? Did I ruin myself forever?' and imagining crystalline glass, then smashed, then an acidic solution poured over it to soften it up. Later I've read these are normal feelings. An after a day of a little depression, and a little exhaustion, things were back to normal. What of the things I wrote in the journal? I tried showing my friends, then later I tore them up, because reading them the next day freaked me the fuck out.


Now, of course, it is ALWAYS great to have a trip sitter with one, especially for one's first trip. I can't stress that enough. I only did this because I know there's nothing psychologically or physiologically disturbed within me, and there was no other option.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 107069
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,149
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25I-NBOMe (542) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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