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LSD & Paroxetine
Citation:   Xenon. "Heavenly: An Experience with LSD & Paroxetine (exp107458)". Mar 1, 2021.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine
  T+ 6:20 1 hit oral LSD
  T+ 8:30   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
A Heavenly Experience
LSD Observations

Took 60mg of Paroxetine at 4.30am for Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

1 x 160ug dose
Taken at 10.50am 1/12/15

Began feeling acute effects at around 12.00pm. Increased colour perception, enhanced sensory perception as well, increased interest in music and outside. More interest in smoking cigarettes. Currently very pleased with dosage, haven't noticed any hallucinations/disturbances as yet. High feelings of happiness, love and increased awareness.

Update 1pm - Feeling similar effects as earlier but alot stronger. Feeling spaced out and chilled :) Smoke some nice Marijuana and feeling even more spaced and chilled.Having a lovely experience compared to last time.

Update 3pm - Maintained a healthy and happy trip, still experienced major noticeable changes in perception, thinking and vision.

Update 4.30pm - Feeling more sober and as if the comedown has started, still had a great experience today and hope to again!

Aftereffects - Virtually none, just general tiredness. Still had no known hallucinations or disturbances.

To summarize, I had a very nice trip and impacted my day and mood severely, I think LSD could be the key to maintaining
a healthy mind and to alleviate the extremities of major mental illnesses.

First time I tried LSD I took two 115 microgram tabs and after 1 hour experienced the beginning of the LSD experience but felt it wasn't as a strong as I had expected and so I took another 2 tabs and this completely ruined the experience. I had no sense of time and had many open eye hallucinations and hearing delusions. Major anxiety and grief of a bad trip.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107458
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 1, 2021Views: 592
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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