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The Magic of Everything
Citation:   CobaltBlue. "The Magic of Everything: An Experience with LSD (exp10857)". Nov 27, 2001.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
First off before anything else, Thank you Erowid, you have been a great ally to me over the years in helping me identify a few mysterious substances and helping me to see things to which I was once blind.

My story starts in 1998, it was my first Trip on LSD. Since then I have become an experienced psychonaut, sampling from almost every corner of the psychedelic kingdom. The reason I am writing this now is because I recently came across my initial log I had kept during and after the experience and I thought that perhaps it would do someone some good to read here about the single most wonderful and amazing experience of my life.

It was my freshman year in high school, I had been smoking a lot of pot and was very intrigued as to the nature of other more powerful psychedelics. I sought and sought for Mushrooms and Acid for almost a year without any luck. Then one day my good friend and smoking buddy M announced that he knew a guy who could hook us up with some Blotter. Before he could even ask me if I wanted any I was stuffing a $20 bill into his hand and begging him to pick some up for me.

The next day, I met M at school, along with my friends T and D, who had also given money to M for some acid. I had four, T and D both had 2, and M had 1. I had read that you must prepare thouroughly for a psychedelic adventure before you embark, making sure set and setting were correct. All that went out the window the second those tabs were in my hands.

They were wrapped in foil, a tiny square of white paper, split into four smaller squares. We all went into the bathroom to look more closely at our treasure. I told them I couldn't wait and was going to eat mine now, they said they felt the same way, so we all dosed, I gave one of mine to M as a thank you for procuring them for us. We each placed the tabs under our tongues and then split up for our next classes, lunch being in about an hour.

Thus began the craziest school day in history. D and I had the same class so we left together. Ah, Algebra 1A. D and I smiled at each other as we entered our class room, not knowing just what was going to happen.
15 minutes go by... Nothing
25 minutes... Nothing
35 minutes... I think I feel something! Nevermind, nothing.
The Lunch Bell Rang to let D and I out into the halls. I felt a bit cheated that nothing was happening, wondering a little how well M knew this guy who he had got this stuff from. D and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. By this time it has been about an hour since dosing, and I wasn't sure, but it felt like I was sweating a little. I finished my cigarette and walked back up to the door to get back inside the school building. Just as I pulled back the door it hit me like a ton of Bricks.

It seemed like an extremely long time I was taking to open the door. I stepped inside as a HUGE grin spread across my face. I looked back to see D, but he was not there, probably still outside smoking a cigarette.

I decided that it felt very good walk, something special I was noticing
about the way my feet connected with the floor. It felt almost as if my feet were made of Jell-O and every time they hit the ground they sort of sunk in a little bit. I opened the door to a stairwell and started to ascend, for some reason thinking that it was an aweful lot like walking up a dragon's back.

I reached the top of the stairs and the hallway spread out in front of me like nothing I have ever seen before. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, just the way that the fluorescent lights illuminated the hall was wonderful. It seemed there had been a veil in front of my eyes my entire life, and suddenly it had been lifted so i could see everything for the first time in color. There seemed to be a million things about that hall that I had never noticed before. I took it all in at once, absorbing every little crack in the tile all at once. I noticed that my eyes were not focusing on any one thing, but rather I could focus on a million different things at once.

Some strange and wonderful smell filled my brain and I decided to wander the halls a bit. I walked for a bit, absorbing the scenery I had taken for granted for so long, and then the Bell rang. Lunch was over and I must make that long journey to my class room. The hall fills with people and suddenly I feel very alone. A beautiful girl stops and says something to me that I cannot understand. I know she is speaking, but I cannot filter out the background sound of the hallway. I know this girl. I guess she noticed the huge grin on my face, because she gave me a hug then and I felt the most warm and happy feeling of my life, I then join the flow of bodies and continue my journey to the class room.

I enter the class room to see D seated already, he looked up at me with the same goofy smile that I knew I must be wearing, and the most Dialated pupils I have ever seen. I took my seat in the back of the room. A test was passed out and I begin, wondering how I will do in my new conciousness.

Algebra is a tricky thing in hyperspace. I try to concentrate on my test, but I keep on noticing things. First on the wood grain on my desk, are those faces hidden in there? Then the designs on my hands and pencil grab my eye. It seemed every cell in my body was visible to me at that moment, where I had once seen only skin, now I saw that in reality I was an entire Universe of living things! I look up to see how much time has passed, it seems like hours, but no, only a few minutes.

I notice a fat girl walking towards the front of the room to adress the instructor. So slow she moves, like a slow motion video. Then it occurs to me that perhaps it is just that my thoughts are moving at such an accelerated speed that she only seems to be moving slow. I gaze around the room at the super-imposed embossed designs that were making themselves evident from out of the walls. I remember thinking about the term 'read the writing on the wall' and I started to laugh. The rest of that class I spent trying to decipher the alien writing on my test paper.

As the bell rang, I grabbed D and he mumbled something that I know I should have understood, but didn't. I tried to tell him what I was feeling, but the words seemed to get tied up in each other and fall to the ground. I gave up and went to my next class. ROTC was very interesting that day. Considering the whole class is simply spent standing at attention and staring straight forward.

As I stood in formation I watched the back of the girl in front of me as if it were a TV screen. New images constantly popping up and bubbling to the surface. Then I look down and notice the curves of her ass. I think how good it would feel to pull her close to me, I attain a Giant erection as then my mind wanders on to a question. I ask myself: what do you think?

It sounds like and absurd question, but it made sense at the time. The word 'Weird' haunted every though that ran through my head. The word became a sort of gravel that filled the corners of my mind. My company commander barked out reprimands for a pis poor performance at some Drill Team competition, but he seemed so far away. I spent the rest of that class looking at a picture that had been hanging on the wall in that building forever, yet I had never noticed it until that day. I just couldn't make out what that damn picure was. A dog? A man with a gun? Perhaps a wounded soldier?

The Bell rang and my troubles were over. School had ended and I was free to explore the whole wide world. I felt I had been granted brand new eyes to percieve everything I missed in my daily inspection of things. I met up with D, T, and M at the Flag Pole and we made our way off school grounds.

The ground was alive with 3-d peace signs and flowers and a million bizzare fractals that I could never describe in a million years in words. We spent the rest of the day by a pond in the area. We smoked some pot, and we watched the water play. After a few more hours it began to get dark, and we all split up and went home. I tried to watch TV, but it seemed too strange after the natural splendor of the outdoors.

I decided to go to my bed and try to digest the experience and record my thoughts. I eventually fell into a sea-sick sleep and awoke feeling a new man. The only thing that could ever describe these events would be that it was without a doubt the most wonderful experience of my life. For about a month after that a feeling of heavy well-being followed me around. Never have I had an experience to rival it, and believe me I have tried.

For those of you out there who are thinking about doing this drug, I offer some advice. Acid is like a swimming pool, it is sometimes safer to wade in and get used to the water bit by bit, however the way to enlightenment lies at the deep end and there is no better way to learn to swim than to jump in over your head!

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 10857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2001Views: 13,358
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), School (35)

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