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Respect the Molecule: A Hero's Journey
Citation:   ColdLikeASpriteSoda. "Respect the Molecule: A Hero's Journey: An Experience with DMT (exp110333)". Jun 9, 2019.

20 - 50 mg smoked DMT (freebase)
I don't have a time frame in mind. It felt like an eternity. The time never changed on my clock. I thought I could handle it. I thought I knew what to expect. Nothing could have prepared me for the extremely brutal and challenging hardship I was about to face.

I put 50mg of DMT sandwich method in a pipe. I used a torch to hit it. I hit it big, I took it all the way. Earlier today I tried it for the first time: 20mg was uplifting, warm and fuzzy.

Second time I did 30mg: Very spiritual, positive warm and fuzzy. A voice telling me come to the other side next time. Was like we were separated by a colorful veil. But that's an analogy. Great visuals in my brain etc. Time didn't slow down. I heard Hosana in the highest before coming down.

Third and final time: 50mg

This is where everything changed. I didn't just breakthrough, I teleported to the other side. It must have been the Abyss and the Void. I experienced both. There were no elves, no bouncing toys or whatever.
There were no elves, no bouncing toys or whatever.
No this was something else. I was somewhere else. I don't want to be conceited, but further than some people go. Or at least it felt that way. I knew time existed but it didn't apply here. I fought it, I submitted to it, and fought it again. When I submitted I did for a while feel so peaceful etc. Only for moments. It was definitely a tribulation. I opened my eyes and it was Legoland. That is the only way to describe what I saw with my eyes open. Quickly grabbing my tablet to talk to my trip sitter on tripsit. That tablet was my portal back to my home dimension. I knew it still existed. Everything looked like 32 bit Lego. It was scary. So I closed my eyes and submitted myself again. I ended up with ego death. My body dissolved into everything. Into the universe. Then my mind was 'no you want your body.' So I came back to it but that was it. I was somewhere else. Open my eyes still legoland. Submit myself again. End up in room. My eyes were closed and it looked normal. It was a small room. With dim lighting, a lamp was on. Stuffed animals or dolls and maybe rose decor in the molding in the middle of a wall that was like an arch. The molecule was laughing at me. That's the only thing I heard during the trip. When I heard audio with my eyes closed it was laughing. Telling me I got what I asked for. The remedy to my anxiety and ocd. Being there anything in life is irrelevant. I opened my eyes I felt like I was in hell. That that is where I'm going to go if I don't better myself as a person.

I reopened my eyes back to Lego land and turned tv volume up. Wanted it to bring me back to reality or my dimension. It was a weird language being spoken. So I turned it back down and went back to the void. The molecule laughed at me because I didn't expect it to be that powerful.
The molecule laughed at me because I didn't expect it to be that powerful.
I opened up my eyes again unsure if I was back. So I went back to chat and just kept talking. Asked my tripsitter to not leave. To tell me if I'm real and if I'm in real life. Eventually I came back and had bell of a story to tell them.

I thought I was giving the molecule enough respect but I didn't. It showed me the truth. It was a true spiritual Hero's Journey. I was scared but it was very rewarding in the end. I've never experienced anything like this. It is spiritually jarring. Questioning many things.

I don't know why I didn't go to DMT land. I didn't witness what others talk about...not completely. I went straight to the void and then beyond to what I only assume is the Abyss. Nothing was normal or real. I was like in many different dimensions. I traveled into many. Where it was just me and a whole of nothing but impossible geometry in psychedelic color. Then the Rose Room. I don't know the deal with that. It was the most normal looking thing during my trip. That's when the molecule laughed at me.

This may sound scary, and it was. I don't want it to change anyone's mind though. Was it a bad trip? Perhaps at the time. Like I said, it was very much rewarded. An unexplainable lessons about life. That we really don't know a single thing. Science didn't mean Jack either. There's no science there. Unexplainable truth.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110333
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 9, 2019Views: 1,574
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