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Interpreting Vibes
Citation:   Leprous Flea. "Interpreting Vibes: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp11084)". Oct 3, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    oral Mushrooms  
I was at a party with my cousins. I hadn't taken the shrooms yet. When I first went in, everyone was mad cool. I was meeting a lot of people and I was with a good solid group of people I knew. My cousins, 25, 24, 23 were experienced with the mushroom. Only one of my cousins were tripping that night. I chewed them all and downed them with a couple of bottles of Guiness. I was a little drizzed, but nothing that wasn't more than social (nothing out of control). Most of the people were on the deck smoking bowls of some fantastic crip, but I didn't have any of that. I was too busy waiting for my trip to kick in.

Eventually I told myself that I was being stupid just psyching myself out, so I decided to just flow with it. I was chilling with some people I didn't know and a few I did just talking in a living room with some soft music. Within about a half an hour I began to feel really relaxed. A tingling feeling began to pulse quietly through my body that made me, extremely giddy and happy, yet relaxed. I didn't want to move. It felt like I was putting on some kind of magic helmet and I was exploring some other world. Everything looked the same, except for the colorful tones, and light rippling visuals. Music was the most fantasic thing in the world to me at the time. Bob AMrley was playing in the background and after a while, I felt like hugging everyone around me (I suppressed the urge). Eventually I began to get really open, and deep. I started to be able to use some sort of extra sensory perception, and really began to notice the way people communicate through invisible means. It was quite fascinating. Everyone seemed to have an aura, and sometimes when I communicated with certain people, and we weren't on the same mind 'wave-length' I would get a bad vibe and it would kind of hurt me, like an insult from a good friend. Other times I would get really good vibes from people, particularly people who were trying to help me talk about what I was experiencing. The worst vibes came from observing people try and mess each other up with glowsticks, and also when other people that were tripping on shrooms looked like they weren't being respectful of the mushroom 'being'. Weird. When we finally left the party, I left feeling like I knew more about people in general and about the subtlties, we keep from each other.

When in my cousin's car, we put on the system, with Bob Marley, and it was one of the greatest feelings I've ever had. It was like a blanket, and I was being kept warm and safe by it. I tried to keep from dwelling on something for too long, because it told me that if I didn't keep flowing I would become stagnant??!. So I kept going into trances and then returning, only to go down another path.

The only time I remember being scared by it was after my peak and everyone had already gone to sleep and I was wide awake. I lay in bed trying to sleep, but the sound of my cousins computer tower on was bugging me out, and I kept feeling like If I didn't tell someone all the things I was feeling that I would explode, so I kept trying to suppress them and I would have some light visuals and my brain would be on a sort of stop and go. Every time it stopped I felt anxious that it wouldn't start again. That went on, with lots of shivering until I went to sleep. I felt like I learned so much from that one experience.

The recurring feeling I felt was that it wasn't something to be messed around with, and all of the questions of the universe could never be answered but we can only better understand our place. Also I heard from the being that those who dont use their brains, will with time lose the ability to access the being and, will thus lose the point of doing mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2018Views: 883
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