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Crystal Computers
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Holographic. "Crystal Computers: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp111039)". May 30, 2021.

3 hits smoked DMT
It's been months since my first trip on DMT and I decided it's time to document it. I still remember most of the details as DMT has a tendency, for me, to burn in all the details in my brain.

In my kitchen, high as fuck from smoking weed on an air mattress at 3:04am, it was raining and I could hear it. I had some music going as well, specifically my favorite song, to set a good setting and mood for me as I had anxiety of tripping alone after tripping 4 hits of 100ug acid 2 days prior and hearing gunshots while on my trip walk at 4am in the morning.

Neither acid nor shrooms did it do for me. What I had wanted was to be taken out of reality not exist in a trip that's grounded in reality still. I loaded my bowl of roughly 200mg on top of an ash bowl of weed that I had previously smoked. I had read on a few experiences and took one thing from those: Respect the drug. So I was equally excited/nervous of what I was about to delve into but the longer I waited and tried to hype myself up the more anxiety ridden I became. Knowing this, I quickly took a huge rip off my water piece to get it over with, I had held it for what it seemed like the longest 10 seconds of my life as I started to hear a distant ring.

I blinked and saw my world starting to get a purple tint to it and was seemingly becoming more and more distant with edges of things vibrating. Realising the drug was taking hold, I ripped the bong again for another 10 seconds but noticed my motor functions were sharply on the decline as I was troubled holding the piece and lighting the lighter. The sudden ringing that was introduced by the first hit was now growing extremely loud, the rain grew heavy and thundered loudly, and the song I was listening to suddenly got stuck in this weird loop so I would hear it then I would hear it again immediately. This would be best described as if you were to play a song and .5 - 1 second into the song you start up the same song so that it plays at the same time but only slightly out of sequence.

I wanted to just lay down and close my eyes at this point the visuals were getting too strong. I decided it was time to breakthrough, I barely managed to hit the bong as I could barely understand how to sit at this point. This was the hit that did me in, I was flung straight into DMT hyperspace. I held my breath for what seemed like forever as a pain was growing in my chest. I was detaching and it hurt but it was a perceived pain. I knew I was in for the ride at this point but was very bothered that I asked myself 'Am I breathing?' but could not feel my body to do so, there was nothing, no way to contact my body to ease this thought. I was positive I was dead at this point and accepted that I had accidently killed myself.

There was a pattern suddenly brought forth, a giant, waving checkerboard of the craziest color combinations I had ever seen, it was beautiful yet astonishing. I kept the mindset of just 'stay quiet, observe, and learn from this' throughout my experience. The patterns of weird colors kept changing morphing then suddenly I was hurled into darkness. This is where I felt death in what I thought was its entirety, then in the middle of darkness I saw forms faintly floating towards me as they got closer this weird alien music that if you were to use the word 'twinkling' as a description of sound instead of sight, it would be spot on. I realised this wasn't music I was hearing as one of the forms had been presented to me by this sudden appearing creature, it spoke no words, no even an alien tongue of any sorts that I could perceive, it was faceless and resembled SlenderMan in almost every single way! I wasn't bothered by this alien as I knew it was interested in showing me the future of technology not acheivable by man for many centuries to come. The music I heard was now more of a whirring, I understood that it wasn't music, but actually the unified sequence of hundreds of floating, black, crystal alien computers. They had no display it was just transmitted to your eyes, the slender like alien slowly retracted its long arms returning the crystal computer to its original place.

I just observed this alien, it gave no expression with its lack of a face, it started to become unnerving and the alien sensed my fear. The alien became very menacing, as it railed its head back and let out a heart stopping, deep scream. At this point, I was sure I was about to experience being disemboweled and prepared for, yet again, death. After the scream, the alien slowly approached me, and I stood my ground, if I could have acknowledged it. The alien's claws wrapped around my shoulders and it picked me up without any hesitation or effort then its face started to seperate in what seemed like a robotic fashion to only reveal rows of shark like teeth. This was it... this was death..... as the monster shoved my face into its mouth I felt its teeth graze my neck then suddenly I was surrounded in aliens who look like their flesh was a product of Ed Gien, loosely sown together. I was in a sea of aliens at this point, and was shocked that they were all staring at me. It made me wonder if they were just as curious as me then I was thrown into a vortex of colored auras. I saw sudden images of things I feared the most flash before my eyes but I seemed unmoved at this point, fear seemed pointless.

I started to hear a familiar sound, I started to smell again, and I heard and smelled the rain which was accompanied by a rather large and disruptive lightening strike. The thunder reactivated my body, I could feel again, I could acknowledge everything my body was doing but most importantly I was in control of my situation again. I checked the time 3:16am, I tripped hard for 12 minutes. I simply rolled over onto my stomach and lay there for roughly 15 minutes as I felt a burning sensation from the top of my skull down to my lower back, this burn turned into that most pleasant massage like feeling. I felt like I had the deepest massage ever. After coming back to my senses I decided to blast off 3 more times and had totally different trips that weren't as impressionable as my first. I started to feel funny after smoking that much DMT, I feared it had spiked my blood pressure too much and decided I was done.

I know this sounds like a 'bad' trip or the dark side of DMT but truthfully it was the best trip I had and it only made me more eager as I had gotten past the inexperienced part. There was nothing that could have prepped me for what was in store for me, no matter how much I read. I loaded 200mg only because I had to directly light my spice and feared the flame would destroy about half of it. It was fun and I'll definitely be doing it again but next time I'll have a trip sitter to ease my mind of suddenly stop breathing.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111039
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 30, 2021Views: 492
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