A Time With the Ageless
Citation:   Frater_A. "A Time With the Ageless: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp111076)". Erowid.org. Oct 14, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111076

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
I shall take a moment to introduce a preliminary here, before the story proceeds. This was originally written three days after the initial experience, on January 4th 2015, and it has since informed the following years to profound and important degrees. It should be noted that, with the writing has not been tampered with.

Throughout the year of 2014, I became more and more adjusted to the idea of committing myself sincerely to my spiritual practice; something that has since manifested itself in many wondrous, terrifying ways. Because of this experience, my spiritual practice - with and without the use of substances (more the latter than the former in recent times) - would not be the serious endeavour it has persisted to be, and I am sure it will continue to persist for as long as I hold claim to mortal self.

Thinking retrospectively into this experience, it was most certainly one of rebirth, redirection and solidified conviction, that has made my path true of spirit and informed every step and beat of my heart ever since. Every time I listen to the album that so wonderfully narrated this experience (mentioned below in the report itself), I can only smile with warmth and reflection, remembering, knowing eternally the secrets shown to me on this wondrous night
Thank you for reading.

-Frater A., October 2017

* * * * *

I met up with two good friends of mine for the transition into the new calendar year from 2014 into 2015, and one of these friends have been growing their own mushrooms. I'm not sure of the species, nor of the amount he brought with him, but we brewed it into a tea with the juice of two lemons.

What followed was ineffable, but here I will try my best to put into words the experiences.

Most of the time was spent in the living room, each of us in an introspective silence of some kind or other. As for myself, everything around me rather quickly start to feel very warm, cosy and 'nice', and I closed my eyes and allowed the crisp warmth of Carbon Based Lifeforms' Interloper to narrate the beginning of whatever journey was about to happen. The build up seemed to last for many lifetimes, and it was consistently growing and growing and growing, and while I knew the peak had yet to hit, everything felt spectacular and wholesome and warm anyway.

I became aware of the presence of many around me. I had clutched my hands a mug of the rest of my tea, for I wanted to experiment with drinking half of it to begin with, and the other half after the first initial peak. But as the build up of things became greater, I could 'feel' the voice of these many entities speak to me, telling me that I had to drink all of the tea now, I had to, otherwise they would leave without me and it would all have been for naught. And so I listened, obeyed and drank, gulping the rest of my tea down quickly, yet I kept hold of the mug for it acted as an important grounding for me.

The build up was getting faster, and when what felt like the first kick drum from the album came in, I burst through and found myself floating through an infinitely huge collective of these entities whose voices I had only heard before. It was a gathering of the Ageless, a society evolved so far and so precisely that they existed without effort, without physical form and purely of light. They were made of light and of love, and they danced effortlessly and vibrantly to the beat and the flow, moving streamline in their own magnificent shapes that were not meant to be understood by the waking mind. I could feel their energy resonating through me endlessly, throbbing with the same light and the same love that they emanated with such grace and effortlessness. There were moments when I loved the feeling and sensations so much that I begged for me to be a part of them, to join their civilisation, but they were very adamant in telling me that I was merely a visitor, I could not join them. I was a student, here to learn from them and their world, before moving on to the next teacher, whoever, whatever and whenever that may be. I accepted this notion with little quarry, for it is something I had lived by for many years already.

And so they brought me lessons that came first in the form of wordless motion and ineffable energy that came with every step and every beat. I can not place into words these lessons truly for they have no words, but they are things I have been taught before in previous, less obvious lessons. Only now, however, did I feel the origin of these lessons. This felt to last for a lifetime, and eventually it evolved into a realm of self-reflective observation as the gathering and their dances slowly faded into a landscape of ice and wind. The music calmed to accompany. I was in an endless tundra, and I was a god of winter, part polar bear, part wind. I glided through the blizzard gracefully, alone and pensive in my cold solitude. It is important to note that the room within which we sat was immensely warm, with a gas fire having been on for at least an hour. However, I was utterly freezing at this point, on the edge of shivering. Yet the cold was so very comforting to me. I thrived on it, it was my source of life. It was my calling, I was the night, I was the winter.

My times in the past consuming mushrooms have been powerful indeed, and have taught me much of the notion of oneness and infinitude as experienced earlier in the gathering, but never before have I received such powerful visions of myself in such a clear, vivid and purely neutral and indiscriminate way. Now alone in this endless void of winter I was forced to face every single aspect of myself and every single aspect of all my relationships. But there was no fear, no negativity, no hatred. Only calm and love. I was completely at peace with who I was.
I was completely at peace with who I was.
I did not smile for I was not happy, but nor did I frown for I was not sad. I was in a complete state of neutrality, tranquil equilibrium, true, unbiased, unconditional Love for myself and all things.
I was in a complete state of neutrality, tranquil equilibrium, true, unbiased, unconditional Love for myself and all things.

Several lifetimes later, I stood before Mother Mushroom. Though outwardly expressionless and unmoving, I could feel Her smile upon me. I knew, now, that this was what the whole journey had been building up to. In my new state of being, after the gathering, after the self-observation, it was Mother Mushroom now who could give me what I needed, that final clarification of Soul, that final gift of Love. And so She spoke to me in words I cannot translate, for they are words without language, words of the Ageless. But She shone all life and light into me, touching me directly in the heart and filling it with her love, for longer than one could count in the mortal realm. When She was done She released Her embrace of me, and smiled with assurance as I floated away without grounding. She told me that this was just one of the many, many lessons I will encounter in my journey of self cultivation, and that I will see Her again someday.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 111076
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2018Views: 884
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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