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A Mini-Vacation
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   Jeremiah M.. "A Mini-Vacation: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp111763)". May 26, 2020.

2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
    repeated smoked Cannabis
Shroom Trip 3

Dosage: 2 g Psilocybe cubensis Amazonian mushrooms; 3 Blunts
Environment: Movie theater and Denny’s
Mindset: Ready to jump into the unknown
Overall experience: Positive
Total duration: 8 hours
Demographic: White; Male; 20; 135 lbs; Full-time student and part-time worker; Spring of 2018

I did not test these compounds before ingesting.

Trip: A group of five people, including me, decided that we all wanted to see Red Sparrow together. Four of us met up at friend A’s house; friend A and I both ate shrooms while we were waiting for the fourth member. As we were waiting for the rest of our party to arrive, we smoked a blunt. When we were done smoking, we walked to the movies to meet up with our final member.

When we were all buying our tickets, it was thirty minutes after ingestion. My legs were beginning to feel loose. I tried going to the bathroom before the movie began but nothing would come out. My friends and I sat the front of the theatre. As the movie was beginning, I started to get indigestion from the shrooms. Roughly ten minutes or so after the indigestion began, my legs started to get cold. I waited another twenty minutes before I decided to get a cup of water.

Unfortunately for me, the concessions stand was closed. However, when the cashier saw my dilated pupils, she gave me a cup of water without saying another word to me. When she handed me my water, I walked into the bathroom. Since I was alone, I tried moving my legs to see if this would help warm them up. After I drank the water, my indigestion was gone. I returned to the movie. When I sat down, my legs continued being cold.

As the movie continued, my visuals continued to intensify. The visuals I was getting at first were colorful lines through my vision. This progressed into everything swaying. I was also getting echos in my hearing. This continued until a few minutes before the end of the movie. When the movie ended, my friend all went into the bathrooms. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. Some old friends of mine from high school recognized me. When they came over, I told them that I was on shrooms; they laughed. We continued talking about the movie until my friends got out of the restrooms. We decided to walk back to friend's house. When we got there, we smoked another blunt. As we were smoking, we were all talking. As we were talking, I felt relaxed. Everything that was causing me stress seemed to disappear.

Overall, my experience was positive. While the indigestion portion wasn’t enjoyable, it was nice to take a mini-vacation. The movie was a little too intense for my preference for shrooms but the looseness I felt was nice. Since this trip, I have had less anxiety overall.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 26, 2020Views: 574
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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