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One With Your Family
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Yung Skeeter. "One With Your Family: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp111926)". Jun 7, 2018.

0.25 tsp smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had bought this salvia with the intent of 'getting a little trippy'. It was quite more than a little trippy. I have done salvia many times before, all in potencies of 10x or 20x. I didn't recall it being much to write home about. Since my last salvia trip, I had forgotten what it was like. I had done DMT since. Oh how they are different. So so different.

I was in a bit of a tiff with my Dad prior to dosing. I felt disrespected, but also had been disrespectful. The details are not important, but that thought carried into my Salvia trip. I smoked it out of a small 5 dollar pipe, nothing major. My lungs are fairly used to smoke by now, so I slowly inhaled the fairly large pinch of Salvia I had put in the pipe and held it for 30 seconds or so. I was sitting in a ditch by some Eucalyptus trees, in the middle of the night, lots of graffiti. Trippy as hell. However, the setting didn't make a difference, it was all about my thoughts
the setting didn't make a difference, it was all about my thoughts

Before I knew it, the feeling came flooding back. I felt the sensation rush up my throat like I was being unzipped from the inside. Very soon after came a complete lack of self awareness. I was baffled by my experience and didn't even remember who I was. Time didn't exist. I was seeing a smear of colors and shapes and as I started coming down I realized I was looking at a multifaceted being that was my family. My brothers, myself, and my parents, were all sides of a prism-like entity, much like an Alex Grey painting. However, it was not a glowing and beautiful experience. It was cartoony, glitchy, like someone has pulled a wire in my brain. I can't say it was pleasant, but the conclusion it brought me to was beautiful:

This reality is amazing. I was so happy to come down. I realized that separation and distinction define beauty; the fact that we have red AND blue AND yellow. Yes, maybe in the next dimension, everything is connected and 'we are all one'. It's amazing, but it's ultimately boring. I have never been so happy to be in this realm. Never been so happy to hold a cup full of water and experience drinking that water. Never been so thankful that this reality is accessible and contains so many unique things!! Never been so grateful that I AM ME. I don't need to seek out the next dimension. Higher powers created this dimension because it is beautiful and I should enjoy it.

I hope this account is as short and powerful as the salvia itself.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 672
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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