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Silent Entities in The Operating Room
Citation:   DoMoreThings. "Silent Entities in The Operating Room: An Experience with DMT (exp113734)". Erowid.org. Jul 21, 2020. erowid.org/exp/113734

T+ 0:00
22 mg vaporized DMT (freebase)
  T+ 0:45 57 mg vaporized DMT (freebase)
So, I'm 20 years old and without going into detail I've never taken any true psychedelic until 2 days ago. I got ahold of some extremely white freebase nn-dmt. I started off with 22 mg to get a feel for it, with plans to meditate after on what I was looking for out of the experience
I started off with 22 mg to get a feel for it, with plans to meditate after on what I was looking for out of the experience
and honestly I focused on just being able to let go when the time comes.

I have a small dab rig with a basic quarts banger (for anyone wondering. The dab rig worked VERY well for vaporizing the molecule. There was no burnt marks left in the banger, and no un-vaporized puddle. This was after torching till red got and waiting 37 seconds. This will not be the same amount of time for all rigs obviously but it gives a rough idea). I heated the banger. Started a timer as soon as the flame left the quarts and dropped it all in at 37 seconds. It all instantly turns to white vapor and went down like nothing at all, but it tasted like mothballs smell. I don't want to take up space going into detail but there were not strong closed eye visuals, just very similar to an oil slick on a puddle.... But MY BODY. My body felt so good and very heavy but I wasn't tired. I felt very happy and loved and it all lasted maybe 5 minutes, with my eyes open colors were very much more intense to the point I could not handle looking out of my balcony window for more than a few seconds although it was still exciting. It was an awesome experience and made me more excited to go deeper.

Even though I felt ready and excited still I took 45 minutes to be calm, weigh out my dose (57 mg), get everything with me in my bed that adjusts to sit up a bit and lay there and meditate and pray. When I felt calm and ready to let go of everything I torched the quarts and drop all 57 mg in at 35 seconds this time since there was a lot more crystal and it went down all surprisingly fast, all in one hit. It was very thick white vapor but it still really had no sting to it which was surprising. Then my friend takes the piece away from me. I lean back holding it in and the moth ball taste was very strong this time and made me cringe but only for a very short time because almost instantly my room got bright and the song (The Kids Turned Out Fine - A$AP Rocky) I had playing became intensely metallic very much like it was being played through some kind of synthesizer to the point it was hard to understand the words or even hear the beat.

After several seconds a let out my breath and as I do my friend says "have fun meeting your new friends" and for some reason that kind of scared me a little bit, but I closed my eyes and remembered to let go. I remember asking myself why I would be scared of that and just let go of that thought. As I do I see this ULTRA clear, ultra clean, smooth bending and morphing ball of glass, but it was highlighted with the most intense colors like all colors of the rainbow almost as if it was reflecting off of the glass... After this things get very hard to remember but I do have a flash of this places with this insane spirals that had smaller spirals breaking off of them and even smaller ones from those and so on and they were everywhere all around me. I don't remember anything else until I end up being in this silent place laying on what feels to me like an operating table or dentist office with an object made of the most intense, pure white light very close to my face, which I did not mind because it felt very nice but I can't describe how. It was so close to my face it felt very personal in a way.

I felt the presence of 2 other beings in the room one to my left and one to my right but a little behind me where they were out of my sight but one kept leaning in also very close to my face just like the light was. It looked very dirty but I can't really describe the color, but I'll try. It was like an off-grey dark color. It had huge black eyes and a bulbous head that was mostly a grey-like color but he had at least one dent on his head that was discolored almost like a weird bruise. When the light got brighter and the light became color, I felt as if I was fading away. For some reason right when all of this happened I feel like the entities were telling me to do more. This is all very strange to me because I always thought this was a "corny" depiction of an alien and almost certainly not what they looked like… anyway, I was not bothered by it either they did not feel evil or scary, not that they felt "good" or benevolent either. It more felt like they were just there with me. Apart from the strange fact I felt like I was in a medical setting lol. The whole experience in this silent place felt very strange and confusing, especially since it didn’t seem as if they did any actual operating on me.

I don't remember much after this until I open my eyes. I just remembered being so shocked that I was in my room and having the feeling like a "OHHHH YEAHHH my room I remember this place I can't believe it’s still here!" kind of feeling. I starting going on and on to my friend, who looked like there was 1,000 image of himself copy pasted slightly overlapping each image of himself, about what I saw but kept getting caught up trying to describe the complexity and kept forgetting more and as I did. Luckily my friend recorded the entire trip for me to watch after which is the only reason I am able to tell you even this much information 2 days later because I've watched the video and listened to me telling the story once I calmed down.

After I opened my eyes there was this beautiful purple blue smoke that was geometric but flowing all in my room on my ceiling and the more I examined it the more I thought it looked real and it seemed to reach down for me but when I would reach back it would retreat... This all persists for a few minutes until it slowly fades out and BOOM "reality" is 100% back.

I used the word alien a couple times in this story and it made me cringe because I don’t know what the hell it was but this thing looked pretty much exactly like a damn alien and that's the best way to describe to you what I saw.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 113734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 21, 2020Views: 676
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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