Uncontrollable Pleasure
Citation:   Toyoungforthisshit. "Uncontrollable Pleasure: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp114066)". Erowid.org. Feb 24, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114066

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:45 150 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 1:00 50 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00   vaporized Cannabis (extract)
So basically me and my friend T (having this been his second time trying psychedelics) thought that a night spent in my room with some amazing LSD, and some tested MDMA crystals would be a hoot and a holler. The night starts at around 9:30 when we both ingest 2 100ug blotter tabs of LSD and put on some color changing screens and pass around our wax cartridge waiting for the acid to hit. I’ve taken LSD probably 15 times up to 700 ug, MDMA 4 times up to 250 mg, and mushrooms 4 times up to around 4 dried grams, I figured I would be prepared to candy flip for the first time.
I figured I would be prepared to candy flip for the first time.

T+00:45 beginning to feel the effects but only the body load and slight visual distortion, this is when I put the 200 milligrams of MDMA into a water bottle and drink 3/4 of the chemically tasting water and think I’ll wait another 15 minutes before I drink the rest.

T+01:00 I drink the rest of the water and the LSD is slowly taking hold. The color changing screen slowly develops patterns over it and the same pattern begins to cover my whole room as the screen changes colors slowly and fluidly. This is extremely exciting.

T+01:30 everything is love. The only emotion I feel is love. The tactile sensations are almost orgasmic. Everything I touch feels as if it has more depth. I can feel the ridges in my fingers and it’s almost as if the MDMA has added another set of patterns around the room, at this point we were still sitting in my room with no music, just talking. This is when I come to the realization that I neeeeeeed to put on music. I grab a speaker and headphones for later.

T+1:40 I begin to play ASTROWORLD by Travis Scott and the bass feels like it’s knocking around my room, the highs feel higher and more beautiful, the lows feel more full and warming. The music euphoria is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. After the first few songs in the album I change the music to the song entertainment by Phoenix and this is where I truly realized how beautiful music can be, as I lay in my room with my eyes wide open staring at the complex and changing patterns on my ceiling and smiling uncontrollably. Yet I don’t feel overly energized like MDMA usually makes me feel, I feel very content and relaxed, almost locked into my bed.

T+02:30 at this point I’ve sat back up and talked to T again who has been enjoying the color changing screen and music as much as I have. This is when I decide I want to go out to my basement living room and lay on my giant beanbag in complete darkness with a very soft blanket and see what I will see. I bring my headphones and begin to play the song I sat by the ocean by queens of the Stone Age and this is when I realize how powerful these two compounds can be especially when mixed. I can feel the music moving through my whole body, the guitar has completely taken me. The visuals were absolutely amazing. I could see anything I wished to see, if I laid there and thought about beautiful colors, my vision would fill with bright, almost neon fractal patterns, almost making me forget where I was at the time. Simply breathtaking.

T+03:00 as I’m laying there, feeling the music, and enjoying the beautiful colors I realize how hard my jaw is clenching, it probably looks like I’m chewing a massive piece of gum, but I don’t care, it feels so amazing I can’t even fight it.

T+03:15 still out on the bean bag, listening to A$AP rockys album “testing” the feeling almost seems to die down at the snap of a finger. I literally felt as if there was a pop, and the feeling was then less intense. Feeling my first bit of sadness in hours, I realize this is not going to be like this forever, but I quickly get over it and continue to enjoy the music and the still very intense visuals. Soon I forget all about the loss of feeling because the visuals are still equally as intense.

T+04:00 the MDMA has died down quite a bit by now but I still have intense music euphoria and the visuals are still breathtaking. This is when I go back into my room and find T laying with all the lights off and with headphones in with a huge grin on his face. I turn the lights on and he looks up at me and smiles and just says “I’m tryna Chief that pen right about now” and I remember about the cartridge. I take 4 huge hits and pass it to him. I could feel the music change again and I could tell that the THC was definitely going to boost this feeling.

T+05:00 not much has changed, me and t are still in my room talking and laughing about basically anything. We put the color changing screen back on and begin to discuss the evening. Visuals are dying down but I still have intense music euphoria. Almost as if the MDMA isn’t going to completely come off until the LSD does as well. That’s one reason why I enjoyed this combination so much, I feel as if it extended the MDMA high. We continue talking and listening to music for the next 2 hours until we both feel as if we could start to drift to sleep.

T+07:00 usually if I take LSD without weed I can’t sleep for around 8-10 hours. But at around the 7 hour mark I feel very relaxed and very tired. I fall asleep at probably the 7:45 mark and do so while listening to music the sound that MDMA gives to music is by far my favorite moment throughout the night, it was unlike any other time I’ve taken it.

T+14:00 after a good night sleep I wake up and feel no negative effects.
T+14:00 after a good night sleep I wake up and feel no negative effects.
I have a very pleasant afterglow. Music is still more satisfying, I wouldn’t say it is anywhere near the same, but still better then normal. The LSD has completely warn off.

Overall this was by far my favorite experience ever. Greatly due to the fact that I spent it with such a great friend. Music has still never quite gone back, and I have absolutely no problem with it. It’s almost as if I’ve just developed a much greater appreciation for music, I have not used MDMA since, as I only use it once every couple of months. I’ve continued to use LSD once a month and it is still as beautiful as always. I cannot say I recommend this experience unless a person is experienced and has great respect for these powerful substances.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114066
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 24, 2020Views: 1,049
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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