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Massive Visuals and Satori
Citation:   cons research. "Massive Visuals and Satori: An Experience with 4-Methylamphetamine (exp114344)". May 30, 2020.

  oral 4-Methylamphetamine
    oral Alcohol - Hard
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
This story is about a rare research chemical. 4-methylamphetamine is rare.

4-MA was harmless for me. But, Wikipedia says, that there are some deaths related to 4-MA. Please, don’t confuse 4-methylamphetamine with 4-methoxy-amphetamine (PMA). They are different substances. In this text, under 4-MA I mean 4-methylamphetamine, not 4-methoxy-amphetamine.

It was a warm summer Saturday night. I was sitting in a kitchen at my home. I had about 5 grams of 4-methylamphetamine. I taken an amount of about 200 mg and tried to eat it. It had very bitter taste, so I drank a glass of water with it. After about 20 minutes I remembered, that I had a bottle of a good cognac. I put the cognac into a glass and drank it. I took a cigarette and went to smoke on my balcony.

T +0:30: I’m smoking on my balcony. Half of the cigarette remains. I had no noticed effects before, just some relaxed state. And it has begun. It was like a switch turned on in my head. My vision is greatly changed: image become doubled, tripled, etc. Trees on a street become fractals. Everything changed on the street. And it was an impression of that I’m in fairy-tale. In comparison with MDMA (that I taken orally before many times), this substance has a very rough onset, without any preliminary small changes in a mental state, as I always experienced with MDMA. As I said above, it was like a switch.

T +0:40: I finished smoking and still on my balcony unable to move. I was amazed by open-eye visuals. Next time, I felt an irresistible urge to puke. I puked from balcony, all cognac was thrown away.
T +0:50: Still standing on the balcony. Strong visuals remain, but it was able to walk. I went to home.

T +1:00 : I’m sitting on a floor of a hallway in my apartment. Don’t want to go anywhere. I’d been gazing on walls. Wallpapers on walls were morphing. They became multidimensional, and I can see through wallpapers. Next moment, all thoughts disappeared from my head. My consciousness became clear. In this moment I realized, that this is Satori – a state of Enlightenment. It was the state of a real consciousness. The pure consciousness without any noise and mental trash.

T +2:00: Effects are still strong, but not such stunning as before. Mental purity remains. Visuals persist.

T +5:00: Many visuals wore off. I thought that all visuals are gone. But, when I looked on the street, I found that there is a smoke coming from trees. Trees were not fractals, as before, but all of them were “burning”.
T +10:00: I went to my friend’s home. Has some post effects. Trees are “burning”. I saw smoke from a flower in friend’s home.

4MA in this trip gave no stimulant effects except for that I didn’t sleep all night. No such things, as strong urge to act as from speed, or I love everything and everyone and I want to give them my love, as with MDMA. 4-MA is similar to MDMA for me. The same strong serotonergic activity, but it’s very calm. Also, I never had such strong visuals from MDMA. Had something from MDA, but not in such degree, as from 4-MA.

A couple days later I got a few visual post effects – some simple hallucinations, like white plates falling from sky. Also, I had some headache a couple days after the trip.

I taken 4-methylamphetamine many times later, with different results. Not always were such strong visual and mental effects. But, doses were different. Some times I took 4-MA with alcohol. And when I took it with alcohol, I always puked.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 114344
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 30, 2020Views: 2,011
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4-Methylamphetamine (916) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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