I Didn't Expect It to Hit Me This Good
Citation:   sxnner. "I Didn't Expect It to Hit Me This Good: An Experience with LSD (exp114614)". Erowid.org. Aug 7, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114614

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 6:00 3 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam (blotter / tab)
Best LSD Trip Ever

After having much difficulty in procuring pure LSD locally, I managed to find a reputable EU dealer on the dark web, ordered 5 tabs just in case and thankfully it arrived in 2 weeks.

+0 hrs: took 2 tabs (total 440ug) at around 845pm, waited till around 915pm before spitting the tabs out. Tabs had absolutely no taste except for a little ink so can confirm its LSD and not a DOx or Nbome.

+1 hr: nothing much to report. Colours becoming super orange like a sunset. Body and head getting slightly heavy, which is a little uncomfortable. Also my eyes were getting super sensitive to bright lights.

+1.5 hrs: friend A decides to light a joint, I puffed a couple but didnt smoke much since I just want the weed to potentiate the LSD high and not give me horrible anxiety and paranoia.

+2 hrs: laughing fits. I'm literally laughing at every fucking thing, maybe its the weed. We’re all watching Taylor Swift’s music video for some weird reason and now she looks like a monkey/cavewoman in her music video and we just cant stop laughing. Friend B is literally talking rubbish which is probably why I cant stop laughing.

+3 hrs: both of them decide to mind fuck me and play some G-Eazy on the tv. At this point I kept thinking its some turkish parody of the song Me Myself & I, when in actual fact its the real music video. My visuals also start to change colour and vibrate. My body and head is getting even heavier every minute too.

+3.5 hrs: I can literally see the tv move like the bass is coming out from the tv and its making it move, weirdly the main music that's not the bass seems to be coming from the walls behind. (Synaesthesia?)

+4 hrs: the music and lights from the tv made me super disoriented so I decided to go and sit in the bathroom and literally felt like my body is joined with the bathroom like some conjoined twin. I stared at the bathroom floor and I saw geometrical shapes moving very weirdly, almost like a cartoon and if I focus on them, they intensify.

+4 hrs 20 mins: sounds become super echoing to the point where I keep thinking its beside me but actually its the background sound like trains passing by. My mind is scattered, I feel like every atom in my body is dispersing but at the same time there's this invincible magnet that's slowly pulling them back together to keep me sane.

+4.5 hrs: my brain is hurting like a bitch now. Shades of colours keep going from light orange to hues I'd see in 3D images. I stare at myself in the mirror and the longer I stare, half my face is sliced and split like a reflective mirror.

+4 hrs 45 mins: I bravely switched off the bathroom lights leaving just a small gap so some light from outside creeps in and took a good look in the mirror. Next thing I know I wasnt staring at my face anymore, my face became a background and what was behind me became my face.

+5 hrs: I decided to take a quick shower to snap back to reality but I suddenly began tasting pastel colours. (Synaesthesia again?) It wasnt my soap since I use body wash and I havent even begun to wash my body in soap, also it tasted more like pastel crayons with a slight hint of bar soap which puzzles me since I don't use bar soaps nor have any in my bathroom.

+5.5 hrs: I played some Linkin Park and I almost had a breakthrough but I stopped myself because I wasn't ready. The music hits me so hard I literally could feel the lyrics to the point where I had to stop before I start crying.

+6 hrs: Could feel myself coming down since I'm no longer hallucinating and I can think clearer. However, my head feels so fucking heavy like someone put a ton of bricks on my head. I took some muscle relaxant and benzos to relax me so I can sleep.

+6.5 hrs: I didn't manage to sleep until almost about 7 hours into the trip. I tossed and turned, one moment I felt super cold the next I was sweating, which is probably why I couldn't sleep because I was so annoyed. Eventually managed to sleep after the 7 hrs mark because of the benzos.

10/10 for this trip since I didn't expect LSD to hit me this good considering my high tolerance for psychedelics. Expected it to last for at least 10 hrs but I guess my body and mind was too exhausted to continue so I killed the high because I felt I wasn't enjoying it anymore.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114614
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 7, 2020Views: 806
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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