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Beautiful Day and Glorious Vibes
Morning Glory
Citation:   Jinu777. "Beautiful Day and Glorious Vibes: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp114924)". Sep 18, 2021.

T+ 0:00
200 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
  T+ 0:00     Garlic (liquid)
  T+ 24:00 170 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00     Cannabis  
Substance: Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor) and a small joint.

I was doing much research about psychedelic plants then came across Morning Glory seeds. I ordered 400~ of them online and got the product after couple days of waiting. Yesterday, I decided to do the cold water extraction with garlic to help with nausea.

I ground up about 200 seeds in my coffee grinder then I added the powder in the water along with some crushed garlic cloves. I let the magic mixture sit in the fridge and waited around 5 hours stirring it every 30 minutes. After the wait, I filtered it using cotton fabric then consumed the potion; which tasted surprisingly good but strong because of the garlic. Right after, I decided to have a relaxing bubble bath while waiting for it to kick in. About 30 min after consumption, I felt nauseous and ended up throwing up. A lot. It felt as as if all the negativity and evil in my body was being discarded. My whole body and mind felt cleaner after the purge then I relaxed in my bath reading a light novel.

The effects started after I finished my bath, which was around 2 hrs after consumption. It was very mild however I felt super groovy and uplifted. No visuals or movement, no closed eyes visuals as well. The only effects I noticed was the uplift in my mood, calming zen feeling, peaceful mind, euphoria and energy. It was overall stimulating like caffeine. I ended up dancing to some Peruvian tribal music my friend introduced me to and some reggae.

After hours of waiting, I barley noticed any effects then I dozed off to sleep while cuddling my dog. I ended up having very weird dreams that night but felt refreshed and extra uplifted when I woke up.

This morning, I decided to consume the seeds in a different method to see if there is a difference. Instead of the cold water extraction, I ground up 170 seeds then mixed the powder with yogurt. The little meal was delicious but felt nauseous after 20 min. After puking (1~ hour after consumption) I felt the same cleansing experience.

My stomach settled down, I drank a lot of water then rinsed my mouth with baking soda to neutralize the acidity in my mouth (which can destroy your teeth!). I felt fresh, in a warm but numb headspace. I Looked out the window, then decided to go outside since the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. I grabbed my headphones and walked my dog while smoking a tiny joint to boost the psychedelic effects (which did not kick in yet).

The yogurt mixture worked! I felt very mild psychedelic effects which were: more vibrant colours, connection to plants, one with nature, zen relaxed feeling, mild visuals, HD vision. I laid down on the hill and watched the clouds drifting while listening to ABBA. I felt so happy and blissful. While I was walking back home with my dog, I hugged a couple trees along the way.

Back home, I felt creative and still a little trippy. I decided to bake some cookies. Making the dough was a lot of fun. I put the cookie dough in the fridge to bake later then I went to my room to watch my online class. I was able to focus on what the teacher was talking about which was very interesting. I felt bad for the teacher because I could tell he hated teaching online.


I decided to go meditate in my backyard. Listening to the birds and wind was so relaxing and cleared my mind. I meditated for an hour and felt very zen and primal. After my mediation session, I lay on the grass while watching the little birds sing in the trees. I saw a little ladybug on a leaf and it made me happy.

~~Thoughts in my mind that I been thinking about~~

-It is important to stay connected to nature, because It heals your mind and soul.

-Climate change will probably take over in a couple years because our damage is irreversible so stressing over school is the least of my worries.

I’m going to do an awesome van build and travel the world, exploring, living my best life.
It is so important to be thankful.


The psychedelic effects of the seed wore off at the same time my cannabis high went down. I feel the afterglow. It has been around 7 hours after consuming the seeds. At the moment I feel very relaxed and happy. I was talking with my older brother earlier and he did not notice I was high. Overall, I had such a blissful wonderful experience with the Morning Glory seed. Thank you mother earth for your precious creations!<3 My HBWS is coming in soon and I am excited to see their effects.


Cold water extraction barely works, consuming the powdered seeds with yogurt is good. I got nauseous either way, puking is part of cleansing before enjoying the trip, it cannot be avoided. Smoking weed is essential to feel the seed’s effects, if taking a low dose (~150-250 seeds). Overall, the trip was mild but extremely pleasant and relaxing. I did not feel anxious or stressed at all. The seeds kept me in the present, the now in the moment in time. Eating fresh fruits and veggies were so delicious and an experience themselves!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114924
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2021Views: 515
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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