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A Snapshot of History
Citation:   Big Al . "A Snapshot of History: An Experience with DMT (exp115976)". Jan 3, 2022.

50 - 75 mg smoked DMT
DMT Breakthrough Trip Report

I have taken small doses of DMT many times when I had my gram back in the day but only did a big amount once. I would always be too scared to take the last hit to break through while using a pipe so I decided to put a bunch into a gravity bong and hit it that way. I must have burned a lot of it cuz it tasted so foul.

The second I was exhaling my vision was going away and blurring on the sides of my field of vision. I jumped on my bed and threw a pillow over my head. At this point I started seeing all sorts of shapes and colors. It felt like my cells were being pulled off me one by one, it was very unpleasant sensation. Then I lost all sense of my own body and was blasted into the unknown. I could see myself in the 3rd person and it looked like I was an infinity shaped time/picture shuffling machine of some sort flouting inside a sun. When I would zoom into my entity into the first person view I could see all of the history being shuffled in front of me. It was going so fast I missed most of it but remember one portion well.

This was a snapshot of history what seemed to be a shaman standing on top of Chichen Itza the ruins in Mexico. He had all sorts of dope gold necklaces and ornate outfits with gems and stuff. There was a bunch of poor people running up the pyramid from all sides dressed in nothing but white cloths covering their junk. These poor slaves then started to decapitate the rich shaman that was standing on top of the pyramid. I could feel what was happening to the shaman and what the slaves felt doing it to the shaman at the same time.

At this point some Mayan God looking being covered up the screen that was showing me the history and said "what are you doing here?! Your a human! Get out!!!'' I then woke up to my room morphing in and out of itself like a big piece of jello jellying around. This freaked me out and I put the pillow over my head once more going into a second but lesser hallucination. Once coming out that I remember feeling so happy and content with being a human being and not being in that God like state anymore. I remember thinking thank God I am only a human and only have to die once. It cleared up a lot of trauma and fear I had before doing it.

The next 2 hours felt like a micro dosed shroom high. I felt very good and took a walk to the store to buy something to drink and the sun felt so good on my skin. Overall the experience was good looking back but was not fun at the time. I have not ever done a large dose since and don't have much urge to do it again for a long time if ever.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 115976
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 3, 2022Views: 536
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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