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The Summer of Love
1P-LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis, Alcohol & Cocaine
Citation:   jason c.. "The Summer of Love: An Experience with 1P-LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis, Alcohol & Cocaine (exp116128)". Dec 6, 2022.

  repeated oral 1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated smoked Tobacco  
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    repeated insufflated Cocaine  
(the names have been changed in this story)

It all started in the winter of 2020, probably mid to late-February. I had gone over to a friend, Paul's, house to have a few drinks and spend some time with a longtime friend of ours, Jody. After consuming a few drinks Paul and I began talking about how we hadn't come across a decent supply of LSD for quite some time. Both of us had used the drug sporadically since high school but since access was so scarce our experiences with LSD were few and far between. During this conversation the topic of ordering RCs and LSD analogues online came up, as I had been looking into them for quite some time, and both of us had used RCs before that we were certain had just been purchased online. During our drunken tête-á-tête we came across an online supplier of 1P-LSD located in our country. After milling over the decision for some time we decided to order 25 tabs of blotter 1P advertised at 110ug per tab. We made a deal that we would order the tabs to Paul's house and use my bank account for the money transfer. The process was basically the same as ordering weed online during the grey market days before legalization, where you send money through an online bank transfer and eventually receive a package addressed from a random untraceable shell corporation containing your order. Anyways, we put in the order and had a couple more drinks and called it a night. Over the next few weeks we discussed how we had probably been ripped off, then forgot about it.

Fast forward to late April. I had just graduated university and had been accepted into grad school for the following fall semester. This was a month or so into the covid-19 pandemic and at that time everyone living in the house I was in was receiving monthly pandemic relief cheques. This was probably the most money I have ever made in my life, paying way better than the various academic positions I had held in university. At that time I was living in a house with two roommates and the partner I had at the time. By then the snow had finally gone, and I spent most of my days laying around in the back yard doing mushrooms, smoking weed, drinking, and barbequeing. One of these days, either late April or early May, I'm sitting in the backyard, likely with my partner or one of my roommates, and Paul and Jody emerge from the side of the house and let themselves into yard. They are accompanied by another long-time friend of ours, Willie. They have come by to spread the news that they have recently signed the lease on a house a couple of blocks away and will be moving in together within a week. I spent the next week doing much of the same, taking mushrooms, smoking weed, and drinking Pabst. At that time, I was probably smoking an eighth of weed every couple of days, exclusively mixed with tobacco in spliffs. I was drinking a few beers every day, and taking mushrooms every few days, usually only a gram or less. Also, for the last year or so, going out to a show or party usually involved taking mushrooms along with drinking. By this time, one of my roommates was clearly getting pretty fed up with my slovenly lifestyle.

Anyways, after about a week or so, Paul, Jody, and Willie begin moving into their new house. During the moving process, I get a call from Paul saying, "you need to come by the house, I have a surprise for you." So I walk over to the new house and am greeted by Paul. He is in the kitchen with the back door open going out onto the deck where Willie is shirtless wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses smoking a cigarette. This outfit kills me to this day. Anyways, I ask Paul what the surprise is and he just gives me a copy of Sonic Adventure 2 for GameCube. Puzzled, I open the game case revealing a small envelope addressed to Paul's old apartment from a company with a weird fake sounding name. Bingo. The envelope contained a baggie with 24 hits of 1P-LSD enclosed in it. The tabs were quite a bit larger than most LSD I had seen in the past, and all white, with "1P-LSD" printed over and over in black on one side, and the structural formula of the chemical printed on the reverse. Paul informed me that he had given a tab to a friend and that it was "definitely real." Paul told me that as he was moving out, his landlord came up to him with a grin on his face holding this envelope, and was like, “I got this envelope in the mail addressed to (the fake name we gave) and I opened it up and saw that it was this acid so I assumed it was yours, here ya go.”

That night, Willie and I couldn't resist and split a tab. We began around probably about 7:45 or 8. I remember it was getting dark at the time. We found a pair of cuticle scissors and pair of tweezers, washed them, then went to town. The tabs were perforated but kind of a pain in the ass to separate. We finally liberated a hit from the small sheet and proceeded to cut it with the scissors corner to corner. We ate the halves, then left the kitchen back down to the basement and proceeded to hang out with Paul and play some video games. We sat on the couch and played some Call of Duty and waited for the effects.

After a good hour the influence of the 1P began to take hold. In my experience, I would equate the initial onset of most psychedelic experiences to being drunk on alcohol, and this was no different. I began to feel sort of dizzy and light-headed, then everything began to appear brighter. About an hour and a half after taking our dose, the effects had gone from initial light-headedness to clearly entering a trip. I had to turn off the game because the thought of war and the political motivation behind these killing simulators was disgusting me, and at any rate, I could not concentrate on such a complex game as the acid came on stronger and stronger. At this point, we were remarking how "clean" this acid felt, whatever that means. Compared to LSD I had in the past, the 1P offered a very lucid experience. Although we were on a supposedly low dose, the effects were much stronger than other times I had taken half hits.
Although we were on a supposedly low dose, the effects were much stronger than other times I had taken half hits.

The visuals became very prominent coming into the second hour after ingestion. The visuals off the 1P felt almost digital, or cybernetic, but I attribute this more to a futuristic vibe I had been on for the past couple of years with my academic work. Compared to the mushrooms we were used to taking regularly, the 1P had a few major distinctions: the 1P was far less 'heady' than mushrooms. For instance, the visuals produced from a half hit of 1P were similar to the visuals from like 2.5-3 grams of mushrooms, however the 1P didn't induce the uncomfortable temporal-anxiety that accompanies mushroom trips. Also, what we saw to be a mark of good acid was the fact that it took 3 hours to "kick in." By this I mean it would take a good 3 hours to reach our peak and the come up was extremely gradual versus mushrooms, where I find effects to onset fairly rapidly, usually kicking in within 45 minutes or so, and only taking like an hour-hour and 15 minutes to reach peak effects. Although we could feel the effects and had visuals for a while, by 11:30 I was seriously tripping. Another friend came over and we played Mario Party on the Game Cube for a couple hours. It was like the scene in the video game dictated the vibe of the room, and since the lights were off, the bright colour palette of the Mario game made for something to look at while we were frying. The "neon heights map" was particularly spectacular, adding to the cyberpunk vibe of this acid. The heavy effects lasted until probably 4AM and proceeded to subside pretty quickly. We put on some Garfield, and I made my way home at some point. The 1P felt exactly like LSD I had taken in the past, but the trip felt much more clear headed and particularly visual.

Over the next week we partied quite a bit at that new house, mostly drinking and smoking weed, doing mushrooms here and there, and one night we all got smashed and my partner blacked out and got into a huge fight with one of our roommates. Tensions between us and our other roommates had been rising over the past couple of weeks due to my lackadaisical behaviour and after that incident my partner and I were kicked out of the house the next day. She moved back into her parents’ house, and I moved into Jody’s room in the new house as he wasn’t going to move in for a couple of months anyways. I was living on the floor out of a couple garbage bags but the situation worked out since Paul and Willie needed help with rent until Jody was ready to move in and I needed somewhere to stay while I got back on my feet.

Over the rest of the summer, the three of use proceeded to take all of the 1P, usually splitting the tabs in half, as they were very strong, and we wanted to make them last. There seemed to be a pretty big discrepancy in potency between the tabs. They were all strong, but every now and again we’d get a ‘hitter’ which felt twice as strong as the others.
There seemed to be a pretty big discrepancy in potency between the tabs. They were all strong, but every now and again we’d get a ‘hitter’ which felt twice as strong as the others.
I remember one evening we were at the house with a few friends. At probably 7 or so Paul and I, along with a work colleague of mine decided to partake in some 1P. Me and Paul split a tab, and my work friend took a quarter, as he hadn’t really done drugs in a few years. The one Paul and I got turned out to be a hitter. The three of us along with a couple other friends went out back and decided to shoot some basketball in the alley. Although I’m not a baller like most of my friends, I had fun tossing the ball around. It was getting dark, maybe two hours since we dosed, and I found it increasingly difficult to play ball and decided to sit down and smoke a cigarette and watch the balling take place. I was getting too dizzy to run around, and the tracers from the ball were making it hard to focus on anything else. Shortly after, my work colleague took off to some party, and eventually it was just me and Paul.

At 3 hours into the experience, like clockwork, it began to get extremely intense for both of us. We could not decide what to do. We just kept getting more and more fucked up and uncomfortable. Within a matter of probably 10 minutes, we put on and turned off a number of video games and movies, and relocated to just about every room in the house in an attempt to shake the bad vibes that we were experiencing. Finally, we settled on hanging out at the top of the stairwell in the landing between the bedrooms of the house. Since the landing at the top of the stairs was kind of a transitory space, and there was a window we could sit beside for fresh air, it seemed more inviting than the rest of the house. I received a text from a friend who we had given a tab to earlier that day. The text read something to the effect of “this shit is insane.” In our panic, I tried texting my partner, only to realize I’m actually texting the friend “we might need your help baby we fucked up.” How embarrassing.

Feeling anxious, and way too high, Paul suggested we smoke some weed in order to try to calm ourselves down. We went down to the basement and Paul proceeded to roll a huge multi-paper spliff probably containing 2 grams and an entire cigarette worth of tobacco. We made our way back to the landing at the top of the stairs, excited to partake in this spliff that will “last forever and calm our nerves.” Needless to say, we smoked it in a matter of like 20 minutes and it of course had the opposite effect. After the spliff, we both began to descend into weed-induced anxiety. The only way I can describe it is that I was *literally* spiralling out of control, my vision, balance, and thoughts all became too circular, everything in my vision was spiralling downwards. I remember thinking, I’m not gonna OD, but if this panic attack gets any worse, I might faint, which could lead to a very bad time, especially for Paul. We eventually made our way into the front porch to smoke some cigarettes and paradoxically get some fresh air. Like before, the change of scenery helped for maybe a minute or so, until the anxiety set back in. After sitting in the porch for 20 or 30 minutes, seriously frying, we see Willie’s car pull up. It was about 11:30 at this point and Willie had just got back from work. Our saviour. He comes into the porch and asks how we’re doing. It must have been the terrified look on our faces and the “uuhh we’re doing okay” which led Willie’s next comment to be “you guys took acid didn’t you.” After his arrival, and later my partner’s, we were saved from our maniacal trip and just hung out the rest of the night making jokes and watching movies.

We continued to use the 1P on a weekly or biweekly basis throughout the summer, usually in smaller doses. I remember taking some 1P and spending a day out fishing with Paul and a friend of his. The weather was kind of unpleasant, and we didn’t catch anything, but the trip was enjoyable nonetheless. At some point in the summer I moved into an apartment with my partner, Jody never ended up moving into the house in the end, and another friend of ours, Eddie, took up the vacant room in Paul’s house. Paul and I dosed some 1P one afternoon and had a very fun jam session with some other friends of ours we were attempting to start a band with at the time. Both of these experiences I remember as being very visual, the clouds over the lake twisting about, or the vibrations from the cymbals visually shaking nearby objects. Eddie was also in the band and started bringing cocaine around the house. I did a few lines here and there, but the coke he was getting at that time was really bad. The high felt super tweaky and weak, and made my teeth feel like they're going to fall out of my head so I suspected it likely contained meth given the place we live.

My summer of love wasn’t the heaviest psychedelic binge by far. However, the confluence of the 1P, months of living off the dole, my precarious living situation, and poor relationship has made some sort of lasting impression in my mind. Now that I’m well into my grad studies and have still not been able to transition back into working life, and my friendships and relationships have changed, I have fond memories of that summer of sleeping on Paul’s floor, taking acid, and living off the dole.

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 116128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 6, 2022Views: 331
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1P-LSD (682), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Multi-Day Experience (13), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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