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Thermoregulation Warning
by Welp
Citation:   Welp. "Thermoregulation Warning: An Experience with Allylescaline (exp117695)". Jan 2, 2024.

I have little to report since this occurred many years ago

In general it was pleasant at first, and largely felt like mescaline with some giddiness that felt more like a sociable mushroom experience. I took it with a group of six others, and none of them experienced the downside I am about to describe.

My thermoregulation went out the window. At first I tried to manage by using ice packs from the home’s freezer on my forehead, but eventually I ran out and had to trek to my apartment with the last ice pack and sit with my head under my shower swapping between warm and cold trying to reach equilibrium for slightly over two hours. Eventually tempered the issue and set AC to 65 and managed to sleep (without blankets). Woke up the next morning with no ill symptoms.

In retrospect I enjoyed it however at the time it was my first experience with negative side effects from psychedelics so my alarm was detrimental to the overall experience.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 117695
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 2, 2024Views: 14
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Allylescaline (573) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Health Problems (27)

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