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The Longest Weekend
Citation:   Clinical. "The Longest Weekend: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11836)". Jun 11, 2021.

Repeated joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  Repeated bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
It was not to be a usual weekend, like those that had preceded it. No, rather than just the usual 4 or 5 people, we were to have a large party, with about 7 or 8 people there. This was something new to me, but I had previously smoked pot with almost all the people that were to be there, so I wasn't nervous or anything. Obviously, with more people there needed to be more bud too, and that was all looked after. Other than being excited, no other preparations were made (although we did make sure we had lots of snacks on hand :).

Friday afternoon, we all gathered at Z's house. This is the ideal place for something like this; there are two big, comfy couches, and a fridge stacked with food, and very little threat of getting caught by anyone. I was quite relaxed when I arrived. There were 5 people there (including me), only two short of the anticipated party. At just before 5PM, we decided to light up a joint. We were commenting on how little we had for what we paid, and we suspected that we either got ripped off, or this was some potent stuff.

Shortly after the joint was finished, Z and I each had a shot of some weird Finnish whiskey (although this didn't lend much to the experience... basically just a trivial detail). Shortly after, I had to go out to supper with my dad and his girlfriend, and by the time I returned to Z's house I was pretty much down (this was around 7PM). I was pleased to note that another member, M, had joined the group. So we lit up a couple more joints and passed them around, and we were all feeling good. Before we knew it, M had packed a bowl in A's bong, and we passed it around for about 8 or so bowls. In addition to just pot, we packed two bowls of roaches. I have to note that for some reason, I took a few pretty heroic hits (for me, anyway).

By this time, I was pretty much wasted, like we usually get. The normal pattern ensued: uncontrollable giggling, progressing into outright laughter, then some introspective silence. With high doses of cannabis, I tend to experience modest closed-eye visuals, not unlike a low-dose shroom trip. I was delighted to see these as I lay my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. This continued for a while, and I was having my normal brilliant revelations, and forgetting them seconds later (d'oh).
I was having my normal brilliant revelations, and forgetting them seconds later (d'oh).
I was also experiencing the usual time-dilation that I get with moderate amounts of pot. What seemed like hours later (actual time: 30 minutes), Z put a pizza in the oven, and we chomped that down quickly. We were eating chips and cheezies too. After all that, we were contentedly burning out and just enjoying a nicely mellow state.

At some time later (I can't remember exactly when), someone in the group decided that we needed more pot. This was met with agreement all around. So J called up a friend, and went out on a quest for more bud. After what seemed like hours waiting for him to get back, he returned with about an eighth of an ounce (we had approximately this much to start with) of high-quality weed. J's dealer, R, stayed around (he had to give J and M a ride) and rolled a joint. This was not your normal joint, mind you; he rolled the entire eighth into one jay (2x2 papered). Starting at about 9 or 9:30 PM, we passed it around (this was between 7 people, here) for about a half hour. What ensued was probably the best trip (yes, 'trip') I have ever had on marijuana.

The visuals returned, and this time I could focus on them without them going away. Interesting patterns, I must say... think of how shading is done in comic strips, with lots of closely-spaced black dots. Imagine that the dots are coloured green and blue, with purple halos, and the background is a mix of red and yellow and orange, and there are rainbow-coloured lines and patterns on everything. Not too bad for just some weed, eh? :P

For the longest time, all I could talk about was how blasted out of my head I was. My whole body felt light, like it wasn't there. Of course, I knew it was still there, because I could feel it tingling. In fact, my body was the only thing keeping me from floating up to the ceiling. I couldn't move, much less carry on conversation (although nobody else could either, so I didn't have to worry about keeping up witty banter). It was around this point that M, J, and R left, which I noted with only mild interest. It was too bad to see them go, but I couldn't work up the energy to care more.

After an undetermined period (maybe an hour... I think it was about 11PM) of sitting around stewing in my own juices, so to speak, a wave of tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I had to sleep, or else pass out on the couch (as I learned from a previous weekend, this was a bad idea). I went upstairs to Z's mom's room (thankfully she wasn't there, and wouldn't be until the next day) and crashed on her bed. I woke up about half an hour later to the radio, and noted that it was 7:20AM. I played with that dumb radio for a while, trying to figure out how to turn it off so I could go back to sleep. I eventually did, and woke up again at around 11AM. I wandered downstairs, where A and C were sleeping on the couches. I started cleaning up, and they woke up and helped me. Here's where it gets interesting.

Upon talking with them, I noticed that we all still had the giggles. I emptied out the ashtray, which was quite full, and I remarked 'You know what? Almost all of that is from pot. We smoked so much!' We all started laughing, even though it wasn't particularly funny (we had smoked half an ounce between 5 people before, so it wasn't that much by comparison).

I went home around noon, worrying that I still reeked like pot and roaches. I didn't, thankfully, and I went downstairs to my room and went on the computer. Just sitting there, I noticed that I was still high, maybe about as stoned as I'd get from smoking one bowl. I could put ideas into words easily (which I can't usually do too well when I'm high), and doing tasks that were somewhat of a challenged under the influence I could perform flawlessly. However, I still had that nice, mellow, relaxed, euphoric feeling one gets from smoking pot. I dismissed this as just an effect of getting a good night's sleep for a change (I hadn't been sleeping well all week, and was pretty tired for most of it).

At about 2PM, I was lying on my bed watching Star Trek: Voyager (which I don't normally do), and I began to have those brilliant revelations again. I would listen to what the characters were saying, and look at what they were doing, and I would come up with a ridiculously simple way to solve their problems ('Why don't you just tell them both what the situation is, and just talk about it? It makes perfect sense!'). Either that, or it would trigger some insight about the world and society; I was able to apply a sci-fi TV show to reality, which is kinda unusual for me. I laid there with my eyes closed, and the thought flashed through my brain that I was still feeling the effects of all that weed. I simply laughed at this fact, and I laid there for some time just marveling in it. At some point I drifted off to sleep again. When I woke up, I was still feeling good, although I didn't attribute this to the pot.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2021Views: 601
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Cannabis (1) : Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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