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I Never Need More Than One Pill
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Trancedancer. "I Never Need More Than One Pill: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp13768)". Dec 12, 2020.

0.5 tablets oral MDMA
E Experiences

20 years ago I took a variety of hallucinogens, LSD, mushrooms etc. All was rosy with the world until I had some bad trips and some none too pleasant experiences...put me off drugs big time. I find even now that I can't smoke a spliff without paranoia coming on. So I avoid the things that I know make me feel bad. After all, if I were going to take something I would hope it would be a good, uplifting experience rather than a negative one.

Then I went clubbing with some friends... having never been before it was a new and potentially good/bad experience-I was keeping an open mind. I love the music, which I guess is a good start, being a musician anyway. I had never been much of a dancer, my dancing experiences had been limited to Rock clubs in the 80's where everyone was intent on looking cool!

I had been in the club for about a half hour before I asked my friend for the goldilocks e tab. Being my first time I decided to have only a half; 30 minutes later I had started to come up and was feeling less inhibited. . . 15 minutes after that, I had grabbed my mate's wife's glowsticks and was on the podium, where I stayed for about the next 3 hours, with numerous water breaks I might add. The experience was incredible, I absolutely loved it! All my senses were heightened, I found a new form of exercise and had a great time. What are inhibitions anyway?! (Since then I've found that I can dance away without having to do e as well). It has been a life changing deal.

I have since done ecstasy fairly often and have yet to experience a bad time on it. Could this be something to do with the dosage I take? I never need more than 1 pill for a great night out clubbing. I know that alot of young people really abuse e big time. The folly of youth I guess; I was like that too once!

One thing I know for sure is that I will continue to take e as I've had so many great times on it. It is so easy to spot the others in a similar condition, big smiles and a great sense of togetherness between complete strangers, which makes the whole experience very good. Come-downs are never really bad and I have always avoided any potentially stressful situations. I've also taken e at home with my girlfriend and spent hours talking nonsense/philosophy/whatever!Listening to music-especially trance... Oh yeah, great sex too!

A word of caution: it is easy to dehydrate if I'm clubbing and dancing. Time slips by without my really noticing and in a hot club I lose alot of water! I avoid doing other drugs and alcohol to excess if I'm taking e. . . . it makes the comedown hard! I've been there and learned a salutory lesson. I make sure I've got good stress free rest time afterwards, I need it!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13768
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2020Views: 764
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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