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A Little Too Stoned
Citation:   virginiaphats. "A Little Too Stoned: An Experience with Cannabis (exp18652)". Nov 5, 2002.

4 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
To start things off, I'm 16 and have been smoking weed for about a year and a half, usually two or three times a week.

One day sitting at home a friend called me and said that he had just gotten half an ounce of purple haze from his brother and asked me if I would be interested in buying some. Having never tried purple haze I said of course. I ended up buying a quarter sack from him for $60.00 - high priced shit.

I was sitting around later that evening and decided that I was going to smoke some. (this was the first time that I ever smoked alone)I decided to only smoke one bowl since I heard that this was extremely potent pot. So, I got my pipe, went outside, and fired it up. I took one hit and waited a few seconds . . . nothing. After the second hit I started to get a tingling sensation in the back of my head which felt incredible. So i decided to take another one. After the third I started to feel my muscles relax and my body started to get extremely heavy, even more so than usual. At this point my heart was beating so fast that it was hard to breath but the reefer in the bowl was still burning so I decided to finish it off. After all, I payed good money for it and I wasnt about to waste some good pot. So I enhaled the fourth hit and while I was holding it in I fell down on the ground and started laughing insanely. I felt so great! I then put the pipe away and went inside to watch some tv. But that's when things started to go wrong.

I dont know why but I started to feel guilty about smoking the weed and began to get very very paranoid. I thought at any moment my heart was going to explode and I was going to die. I tried to think about something else but it didnt work. I would start feeling guilty and paranoid again. It seemed like hours had gone by and I began to think that it would soon go away but when I looked at my watch, only 5 minutes had passed by!

For the next few hours I was in emotional hell, with feelings of depression and anxiety. But after while I started to come down and feel somewhat normal again but for the next few days I felt a feeling of deep guilt and didnt smoke pot again for about a month. The next time I did smoke, I only took 2 hits and it was phenominal. But be warned. When trying a new kind of weed, especially very potent weed, pace yourself and only smoke a little at a time so you dont get too stoned and have a panic attack like I did.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18652
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2002Views: 16,679
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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