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Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen) & Cannabis
Citation:   Smoker For Peace. "Dreamy: An Experience with Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen) & Cannabis (exp19223)". Sep 16, 2005.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:12 1 tablet oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:24 1 tablet oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:27 1 tablet oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:00   oral Acetaminophen  
  T+ 1:06 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:00 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I recently came across 4 pills of percocet from a neighbor. Before I took the pills I got online and researched enough about to feel safe taking it. I decided to take them during the first night of my five-day break from school. I was in my room, which is my favorite place to be. I designed my room solely for tripping purposes; I set up a nice 9 speaker sound system and had lights that pulsated to music on the wall. On another wall I hang trippy art and drawings. Outside my room is our basement with a pool table, air hockey, and pinball. I was set for the night. I had a hard time finding info on the proper dose. I talked to a few users and they told me 15-20 is enough for a slightly dreamy high, 30-40mg is enough to get pretty high. I don’t want to call it tripping, because it is far from actual hallucinations, and I don’t want to refer to it as “getting fucked up”, it is also far from that.

9:34: one 7.5/325-percocet pill ingested, I will take one every 10-20 minutes. I plan on dosing 30mg of oxycodone. This will be my first experience with oxy. My previous experience with opiates has been from vicodin.

9:46: 12 minutes later I ingested 1 more pill. Total dosage up to 15mg now.

9:58: One more pill taken, totals dose at 22.5mg now. No effects yet except a slight feeling that something is different and something is about to happen. Feeling kind of edgy.

10:01: Last pill is ingested. Total dose not at 30mg, if I’m not mistaken, should nod me off for a good amount of time. Only one thing left to do, wait.

10:03: A definite feeling of altered reality is felt. The effects cannot be described, almost locked into a dreamy state.

10:08: Reality is taking on a whole new dreamy state. I fear I dosed too much for my first time. The drug is supposed to take 30 minutes to kick in and I am already feeling pretty dreamy. If each one takes 30 minutes to kick in, I am only feeling the dose of 2 pills. 15mg still left to take effect. I am no longer worried but rather anxious to feel the effects of this wonderful opined. Just lit some opium incense, goes perfectly with tonight’s drug of choice.

10:16 A little nausea but nothing to worry about

10:30: All I can say is wow. Pretty intense high with a pleasant feeling of happiness. Still building every second. Nausea is a little worse but it's pretty much leveled off so I am feeling great.

10:40: It's hitting me pretty hard now. The high is almost impossible to explain. I was expecting more of euphoria feeling, but I’m not complaining. Best high I’ve had in a while. All feelings of nausea have vanished.

10:49: I thought the high has peaked, I thought wrong. Kicking stronger than ever, and I’d have to say this is one of my most pleasant experiences with drugs. Nice feeling of all around happiness.

11:10: I’ve entered into a state of lucid dreaming. The effects are lovely. At this point I now smoked a bowl of high-grade weed and the effects of both drugs combined is producing a very intense beautiful trip.

11:22: My perception of time is getting all out of order. What I think is 2 minutes is actually 12 minutes. I black out and can’t remember anything from the last 10 minutes. The marijuana added an incredible kick to the oxycodone. I haven’t studied this drug much so I don’t have an educated view on the dangers of oxycodone. I did not do enough research to feel comfortable taking the drug. I only knew what I believed to be a safe dose was beforehand when I took this drug.

11:37: I am starting to feel a little itchy. Not terribly but enough to bother. I read that this was one side effect of the drug. I am surfing the web now and I feel kind of edgy. I am moving really fast and enjoying these sudden bursts of speed.

12:09: Incredibly itchy. Not that I mind it that much, it feels good in a way. This drug gave me a love for the dreamy high of opiates.

1:33: I stepped outside for a quick cig, I am not one to smoke but I find one every once in a while helps me relax and come down nicely from a high. Things are really intense. My pupils are the smallest I have ever seen them. I started to feel extremely sleepy but the cigarette perked me up a bit.

1:40: Most of the effects of the oxycodone are running out, however, the cannabis is still running strong. This is a trip report for oxycodone so I am gonna stop here before the marijuana takes over.

Summary: I found this to be a very pleasant lucid dreamy type high. I remained very clear-headed during the journey. I plan on taking some more percocet in one week or so. I hope this gives me enough time for my tolerance to return to normal. That will be my last tripping of percocet for a few months. I have read to many stories of people getting addicted to opiates.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2005Views: 163,747
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Oxycodone (176) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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