Salvia splendens
Citation:   PharmPhiend. "Disappointment: An Experience with Salvia splendens (exp19884)". Erowid.org. Jan 3, 2003. erowid.org/exp/19884

4.0 g buccal Salvia splendens (leaves)
  5.0 g smoked Salvia splendens (leaves)
I had been reading up about Salvia for a while, sounded pretty interesting. Me, being a 16 year old guy, and unable to order any salvia, kept searching on the internet and learning about it. I read that some people had noticed effects after using salvia splendens. I learned I had some of this in my yard. Off to the yard.

I picked many leaves, I estimated 10 or 11 grams total.

Immediately I put about a gram of leaves in my mouth, and chewed for 10 or 15 minutes. It didn't taste bad at first, but about 10 minutes in I was desperate to spit it out. I must have swallowed some of the juice and chewed plant material, but not much. I wasn't feeling anything, so I spit the stuff out.

I repeated this action, still not feeling anything. I decided to give smoking it a try.

I used a pipe with an incredibly large bowl. I packed about a quarter of a gram to 3/4 of a gram into the bowl, fairly tightly. I used a butane torch lighter, and kept the flame going the whole time I was hitting it. I kept smoking it until it was entirely... cashed... and didn't feel a thing. I packed about three more bowls, and smoked those. I still didn't feel anything, except mild dizziness, which I assume was from inhaling so much smoke.

I went back downstairs, chewed some more of that nasty stuff, about two grams. Smoked a few more bowls, felt mostly nothing, except a little dizzy and off balance.

Overall, I'm gonna have to say that Salvia splendens does pretty much nothing. I noticed no effects at all, at least no desirable ones, or ones I would expect from a drug. The plant was mildly relaxing though, but it was probably just the smoke.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19884
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2003Views: 14,464
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Salvia splendens (181) : Alone (16), General (1)

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