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High Doses
Citation:   Licht. "High Doses: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp2035)". Jun 22, 2000.

350 mg oral MDMA
o.k., finally i decided to give you the long version. After several experiments with mdma (starting with 90mg, increasing doses every time) me and my girl took about 150mg one night. The effects started after 20-25min, and about 1 hour later they dropped very fast. (This was most possible due to eating too much in a too short time before. DO a diet, no alcohol, cheese, chocolate the whole day, nothing else 3h before!!!) Being disappointed (normaly effects last ca.4-6hours with us) we both took a supplement of about 100mg. There was no onset anymore, we stayed on a level for 2 hours which was not soo pleasant, a bit stoned, with moments of absolutely NO EFFECT coming and going. Do you know the bit sad and pitty feeling when a nice mdma trip wears of, something of this feeling. She took another 50mg in hope to find the good effects again. Better, she wanted to take 50, but we only had a 100 portion left, so she dissolved it and drank only half of it, but accidently the other half too, 5 minutes later. Me, disappointed and still hungry for altered states as well, decided to smoke some hash instead of taking a supplement. Now it became very stoney for both. I became completly fucked up, hated the whole situation, didnt like me nor her, thinking we both were quite ugly (and that under the influence of mdma......). I thought we were the perfect couple for a government propaganda film. Here, look what drugs make out of your kids.

All the mdma didnt help, the evening was a total failure, and i decided to sleep, which was absolutely impossible although i was tired, so i smoked some more and offered her the joint (which i would not do normally) and she accepted (which she would not do normally). She doesnt even smoke tobacco and is not experienced with hash. The second hit of smoke made her disappear. I mean, she was still sitting there, but was totally absent with her mind, eyes closed, mumbling, shaking. She spoke very few words, nothing that made sense. This reaction did NOT upset me, i didnt even care, i was feeling like shit too and promised to myself never to take drugs again. After a time she -returned-, opened eyes and looked scared. I told her where she was, that everything will be o.k. in some time, and asked for her experience. She told me about aliens who just took her for a ride in their spaceship from a park where she has been. On the flight, the aliens (b/w, no particular shape) discussed if she should be told something very important. But they agreed not to do so, landed and released her again. She told me all that and was of again, didnt react to me anymore and reexperienced some parts of her childhood, as she later told me (This is the short version, i agree).

That was the evening, we fell to sleep finally. The next day was terrible, everything hurted so much, the jaws and bones, we both couldnt see properly, and we felt as if not being awake. We didnt eat much all day, and i left her home early evening. She called me some hours later to come again, feeling ill, depressed, scary and helpless. This feeling slowly went the next week, but visual distorion did join the aftereffects. Thats it. More?

We did mdma again, but not more than 100mg and no supplement, it was as pleasant as before. DONT DO HIGH MDMA DOSES. The good effects are not enhanced, only the bad ones, believe ME. Although my girlfriend met entities (she is NO sf fan, hates star trek and things, has nothing to do with alien stuff..), which is something i never heard before with mdma, the price was much too high (And they didnt tell her their important thing, the fuckers.)

As mentioned before, combination with acid or psilocin (with we havent taken yet) is much more promising.

I know the story is hard to believe, but true. A pity my english is not good enough to express all the feelings and make the report a bit more dramtic.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 2035
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2000Views: 6,227
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MDMA (3) : Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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