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Overall This Was a Very Good Experience
Morning Glory
Citation:   gfxxgh. "Overall This Was a Very Good Experience: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp20619)". Erowid.org. May 17, 2018. erowid.org/exp/20619

230 seeds oral Morning Glory (liquid)
first time

I ordered seeds from the morning glory seed company which garunteed untreated seeds. They came in about 3 weeks after purchase. I used a very simple extraction method, grind the seeds into a powder via a cofee grinder, let them sit in a glass bottle with aquafina water for about 24 hours and then filter out the solid material. The substance had a slight vinegar like smell.

Drinking it was not to hard, it tasted kind of like walnut juice if there is such a thing. I experienced no stomach discomfort. It took about 2 hours before any effects were noticeable, there was some slight feelings of giddiness followed by closed eye visuals of complex patterns. Anything I looked at had the appearance of moving or bubling. Throughout the whole experience there was paranoid feelings that some one was behind me and a few times I thought I felt someone leaning on my shoulders. After about 4 hours I went to sleep in which I had some very vivid dreams. Overall this was a very good experience but I would like to try alot higher dosage next time, maybe about 400 seeds.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20619
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 17, 2018Views: 720
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Morning Glory (38), Dreams (85) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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