Tree Limbs and Thick Branches
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by Jaos
Citation:   Jaos. "Tree Limbs and Thick Branches: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp22472)". Sep 23, 2020.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
First Time Shrooming

It was a monday afternoon. I had taken off of work and just got out of school. I knew today would be the best day to shroom. It was warm, sunny and I was all geeked up about trying my shrooms. My friend O was trying it for the first time with me and my other friend B was going to remain sober so that Me and O didn't try to go swimming or something equally stupid. We ate the shrooms around 2:50 Pm and made a quick stop to a store tog et some Orange Juice on our way to the park. By the time we got to the park it was 3:30 and the shrooms were kicking in.

The first thing that happened was me and O suddenly stopped walking at the same time... as the park appeared to turn black and white. All color left for about 10 seconds and me and O knew we were in for quite a ride. Suddenly I felt this giddiness come all over my body and I couldn't help but laugh. me and O started laughing and couldn't stop. He started talking about seeing all these colors and the trees changing colors before his eyes. I wasn't seeing anything that drastic but noticed that all the colors were much more vivid. I looked at the grass and noticed just how green the grass looked... it was really amazing. I looked up and saw the tree limbs moving back and forth as if the thick branches were being pushed by the wind. O was talking about seeing worlds and such.... I was admittedly jealous that he was having the cool visions while all I saw was minor movements. The most fascionating vision I saw was the ground moving and all the rocks sliding across the floor (at the moment it was very crazy).

The most interesting thing about the whole trip was definitely the body high. I couldn't stop laughing. And when I stopped laughing (for minutes at a time) I was talking the most profound thoughts in existence... at least in my mind. I was talking about time and god and how the brain worked and how time could be stopped. Time was definately an intricate part of the adventure. It kept reappearing in various ways. At one point when we stood up to walk around I felt as if I was moving AWAY from time... that is the best way to explain it.

I was trying to avoid people the best I could but B wasn't in the mood to keep away from people so I had to be by them. It bothered me a great deal and he knew this. Also throughout the park there were many dogs... yet every dog I saw looked hideous. I don't mean scary... but UGLY... the most grotesque looking animals ever. And I am an avid dog lover. I still petted the dogs that came close (after getting permission from their owners).

Coming down was awfully hard for me. My vision was extremely blurry and shapes continued to move for quite a while. It was mildy entertaining. But still I was a quiet quiet person for a while... which is odd considering that I am usually in the limelight. The next morning I felt fine though and regarded the experience the night before almost as a dream. I can picture what I saw... but in the way you picture a dream you had.... a very very interesting experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2020Views: 494
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Various (28)

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