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Mellow and Relaxing
Skullcap & Damiana
Citation:   mr. not so obvious. "Mellow and Relaxing: An Experience with Skullcap & Damiana (exp23387)". Jan 21, 2004.

0.5 tsp oral Damiana (tea)
After buying bulk skullcap and damiana I tried smoking them several times. Smoking them had no effect on me at all. I then decided to brew them into a tea. I put about one teaspoon of skullcap and one teaspoon of damiana into a coffee filter and brewed four cups of water through a coffee maker. The tea was light green when it came out so I brewed it a second time. This time it was about the color of urine.

While the tea was still hot I drank about two cups over a ten minute period. About forty five minutes later my legs and arms felt numb and heavy. I began to feel relaxed all over. When I walked around I had a mild sensation of floating, sort of the way it feels when I walk in a deep swimming pool. Euphoria set in. I was content to just be doing whatever I was doing. It was similiar to the feeling that occurs about a half hour after smoking cannibis but a little different.

I decided to sit down and draw for a while, which was incredibly soothing and stimulating. I could visualize the picture in ways I never could before and had a good feeling about the final result of the piece. Each line I drew on the page felt like it fit perfectly in its place, as if that was where it belonged. I felt a connection to the lines I made on the page. I felt as if I was where I belonged just as the lines were where they belonged. It was a very pleasant experience.

After drawing for about an hour the effects of the tea began to fade. I quickly chugged the last two cups of tea. I continued to draw and within a half hour the second dose of tea kicked in STRONG! My eyes became heavy and I felt curiously dreamy. I began to zone out and stare. While I was staring at the white paper I was drawing on, my eyes began to play tricks on me. I have never tripped before but this was the closest I have ever come to it. Colors and shapes seemed to appear out of the texture of the paper. Curiously I saw a red circle everywhere I looked, similiar to what happens after glancing directly into the sun. In fact, at first I thought I had accidentally looked into the sun or a bright light but after examining my environment I could find no light source bright enough to cause this.

The effects peaked while I could see the translucent red circle and remained for about fifteen minutes. During the peak I became very drowsy and felt like I was about to fall asleep. I forced myself to stay awake and draw. Suddenly the tea wore off. The drowsiness and visual effects disappeared at the drop of a hat. However, the relaxed sensations remain with me as I type this and my thoughts turn to brewing some more tea!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2004Views: 53,159
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Damiana (107), Skullcap (232) : Alone (16), General (1), Combinations (3)

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