A Low-Dose Sunday - Speedy Shit
Citation:   john random lab rat. "A Low-Dose Sunday - Speedy Shit: An Experience with AMT (exp26674)". Erowid.org. Dec 22, 2006. erowid.org/exp/26674

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral AMT
  T+ 0:00   oral Caffeine
  T+ 9:00 0.125 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam
  T+ 10:00   oral Caffeine
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco
I guess this is a 'general, first time, combinations' trip report.

Wake up late this morning. Sunday, nothing planned to do.

So I smoke my morning bowl while getting rid of some chili-related diarrhea. The plants next to my toilet seat are greener and fatter than ever and the smell of smoke and feces combines to a countryside aroma. Late summer for many of my plants, just like it's late summer outside. Taking a dump in the orange rays of the rising sun, with a bong in my hand! Wish I'd had the coffee ready when my bowel went off...

So while brewing my morning coffee I eyeball a 40mg gelcap of AMT into two piles of shiny crystalline sand. Take one of them in one half of the cap, put the rest back in the fridge closed with some toiled paper, ready to be eaten an hour or two later if not enough happens.

In half an hour, I can sense something coming up. Just something. Takes a long time, but during two hours and some more bowls (I actually got some stomach discomfort even from this amount) I develop a definite mood lift. Pretty lethargic, but easily amused by crappy TV programming and even the commercials. Seeing it all as blatant crap but not disgusted by it, just observing the human culture.

Girlfriend comes over, we watch The Simpsons first on TV, then some older episodes on my laptop. The sound is very distorted, but it's not the AMT. Actually I know what the problem is, and I can easily and systematically fix a bad contact in a makeshift cable going inside a smashed ministereo system that's my only useful pair of speakers at the moment.

During the following hours, we did some cleaning, got a batch of wine going and also generally took care of the plants, brought chilies inside from the balcony and so on. Feeling pretty energetic and fun, hugging feels good like on some other stimulants. However this one's somehow hazy, like being a little drunk, feeling there's some brain capacity I cannot use when on AMT.

Sex feels absolutely great, but there's no orgasm in sight. More 'foxy' than tma-2 though.

No appetite really. I make myself eat some fishsticks and fries, or rather my girl makes me. Drink soft drinks and some orange juice, also water. A bit dehydrating drug already on this level.

I took the drug about 12am. During the evening I started to have a nagging little headache and a coming and going tense feeling, so I took a quarter of .5mg alprazolam tablet and about 100mg ibuprofen (normally enough for me).

I couldn't keep myself away from cigarettes, except in the beginning of effects when there was some mucus production. As a stimulant, it's probably supposed to widen the delicate airducts in my body... the ducts routinely tarred by excessive tobacco and cannabis use. Probably that's where the mucus comes from. slurp.

So as I smoked another cigarette in a row and felt the headache subside for a moment again, it dawned on me. Soon as I smelt the fresh coffee, I immediately knew this was what I was lacking. I'm heavily dependent on caffeine, and I realise it together with tobacco brings some negative side effects on my private life after work and on weekends. On work, of course, it's great! Duh.

I'd simply forgot to drink coffee during the afternoon. This has happened to me many times even sober after heavy-coffee workdays, nothing new.

The coffee really helped, and probably also the ibuprofen kicked in. And probably a couple of bowls of some grassy herbs. Still no appetite at all.

Notes taken: do something to reduce dependence on tobacco. Coffee input must be reduced. Then be it dull in the work, just eat the pink pill, even that's better. And damn, now that I have a nice production going on and no monetary worries, I must keep the good buds for myself, all if need be, so as not to have to come down from another trip smoking grassy oven-dried crap.

This wasn't really a trip, just an enhanced lazy Sunday that turned out not-so-lazy. The wine project had been hanging for weeks. I also felt very comfortable being around my pretty drug-naïve girlfriend. Feeling very bound to her, and happy she's here. Heh, when we first met I was on ecstasy...

Like often with pot, I noticed a 'contact high' with the girl. She was much more active than normally, more happy and giggly and more relaxed. We made the wine perfectly (now it's already bubbling after a couple of hours) and we both had some cleaning up mania. Talk about speedy!

Definite stimulant, I can see some (ab)use potential for this one. Reportedly 'it's much better than speed, lasts all day with no negative effects'. I wouldn't know, I hate jaw-clenching drugs and have never tried speed. At times the AMT feels like a full ecstasy buzz, very neutral state of mind with just an overall good feeling.

Must try 40 mg some time. But all in all, not something I would need access to. The well-tried illegal MDMA and acid are much better, and the perfectly legal TMA-2 and methylone both feel lot better physically, they are somehow much cleaner and more friendly 'energetic fun' than this.

Yeah, low-dose acid is a lot funnier and has less side effects...

Won't be taking the 40mg dose in the near future, but will keep it in mind. And in the fridge.

Having read this far, you're probably contemplating taking a moderate dose of AMT. Go ahead, 20mg won't blow your mind but it does give a good taste. Have a lot of pot and/or cigarettes handy, if you're a smoker. Remember to eat something after bad stomach feelings subside. From what I hear and what I've read, it sounds a bit risky to go over 40mg on your first try, 20 to 40 should be ok. I don't normally take the risk of having a bad trip, so I started low... and I'm happy with my decision.

The stuff lasts quite long, it's now 12 hours from the first noticeable effects and I feel mentally very clear despite a tired body. Eye dilation same as from 5-MeO-DiPT or mushrooms, not as bad as with ecstasy.

If feeling a little fried actually triggers a positive response in you (it apparently does in a lot of people), you'll probably love this. On low levels, probably a good replacement for recreational ecstasy or speed. A bit empathogenic, I could probably interact well and have genuine and shared fun with drunk people.

The nearest thing to compare to? Probably, for now and on this dose, MDMA and TMA-2. And that's sad news, AMT doesn't really shine in any respect. TMA-2 gives me more of everything good, a funny curious psychedelic mind state, lots of friendliness and a lot less friedness and confusion, on a dose of 30mg.

Still quite speedy, probably need more alprazolam & pot to get to sleep... and, heck, look at all this babble I got together. :)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26674
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2006Views: 8,148
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AMT (7) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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