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A Shamanic Method of Use
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
by J.D.
Citation:   J.D.. "A Shamanic Method of Use: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp28939)". Dec 6, 2004.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I have tried Salvia many times under many situations. On my last experience I finally 'got it' as it were, and was elevated to an 'I' in the salvia scale (see salvia divinorum faqs for further explanation). I write this to not only attempt to convey the precise method used to achieve this state, but attempt to describe it.

To achieve this state, I did the following 1) Abstain from alcohol and food for 24-36 hours before consuming the salvia. 2) Consume in a controlled environment with minimal sensory stimulus---no lights visible with the eyes closed, no audible sound, and no clothing to minimize tactile sensations. 3) Setup the devices used to smoke the salvia---in this case three separate water pipes to minimize time between hits, and 4) be in a prone position and avoid moving the body at all costs until I desire the experience to end or weaken.

It was EXTREMELY difficult to bring this experience back, and I'm pretty sure much of it is unrecallable. Here is what happened, as best I know now: I took the first two hits (held for 10-15 sec. apiece), then picked up the third water pipe. Once the third hit started, I had the distinct thought 'I'm going to spill this...' then, while still holding the pipe, fell over backwards. I do not remeber falling over backwards, or exhaling. I do remember closing my eyes and instantly feeling this 'Isness' that Aldous Huxley discusses in THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION. After I realized this, a voice said 'What do you expect?'

From there I felt myself rocketed into what D.M. Turner calls Cydillic (spelling?) space, or perhaps an even HIGHER plain of existence. This was new to me. In previous experiences I'd only been able to poke my nose and eyes up into this dimension---this time I was there full blast. All bodily sensations immediately ceased. Then the force or entity asking me what I expected gave an extremely enlightening, powerful, and highly private message along the lines of 'DON'T DO THAT, YOU'LL FUCK IT UP.' 'It' means everything; life, relationships, people, and the universe. After this message was delivered, I accepted it, then attempted to turn my attention away from this entity. The entity (Lady Salvia) began yelling 'NO NO NO STOP STOP STOP' as though I was attempting to absorb some part of the ethereal nature of being that I was not supposed to. I stopped trying to turn my attention. From this point, all language in my brain broke down, all things human or earthly were severed from my existence, and I became a being of pure energy, a pure mind or soul or what have you.

I cannot convey the next thing that happened, only say that I sat bolt upright and yelled 'YES! I UNDERSTAND! HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THE POINT?' For five minutes or more after the salvia peak, I FELT, EMOTIONALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY, that the true secret of existence had been revealed. This secret cannot be conveyed with words.

I can say this: after this experience, I firmly believe that the universe at large, the totality of being, is a self-sustaining system that maintains its own existence. We are all minute parts of this machine, and in some way I cannot yet grasp, we all have some kind of distinct function within it. I am still not sure whether the entity I communicated with was merely my own sub-conscious or 'God' or 'Tao' or what, but I can say for sure that it WAS NOT LADY SALVIA. (Lady Salvia is an entity that occassionally forms, Voltron-Style from the hits taken, that I can then converse with and ask questions to.) No, this entity was far more powerful, and was capable of showing me the universe as infinite, completely shutting of my language, instinct, and body.

Salvia divinorum is not a party drug. When consumed properly, in the correct setting, it is a profound religious and spiritual experience. I ask any who read: do not, repeat not, attempt to use salvia with the preconception of 'fun'. You will either be dissappointed or extremely frightened/shocked at what happens. I have never had a bad time on Salvia, but I have never had recreational fun either. It just doesn't work.

LASTLY: It's highly possible that there is a certain brain/personality/body type that fascillitates this types of experience. I have always had the feeling of expansion when taking Salvia, while others have had the feeling of 'Being in a box' or 'feeling their own limits'. In any case, I highly reccommend this drug as a connoisseur's 'high'. It is finnicky and a bit difficult to 'get it', to truly nail the experience on the head, but it can be done with practice and patience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28939
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2004Views: 8,130
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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