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Citation:   diarrhea. "Afteraffect: An Experience with Cannabis (exp29804)". Jul 17, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
i had smoked pot maybe 5 times or so in the time span of a month, not too extreme dosages, just normal. one day i was in my math class and i wasnt paying attention (this is normal for me). i was thinking of the other day when me and my friend were looking in the phone book and we found someone named Steve Quackenbush. i started laughing a little, but was trying to stop myseld because i was sitting by myself and the teacher was in the middle of a lesson, and i didnt want to look like a complete wierdo. yes the name is a little amuzing, but not really laugh out loud funny. i felt sort of light headed and daised, and i thought it so funny that i was trying to keep in my laughs and that i was laughing at such a stupid thing that i started laughing even more. people around me noticed but ignored it. i looked across the room at my friend and she had noticed and was laughing at me a little. looking at her made it worse, and i was sitting there hardly breathing to keep in my laughter. the people around me got a little pissed off and kept looking back at me and rolling their eyes and giving me looks, but i couldnt stop laughing for about half an hour.

after this attack i've had other attacks where i feel strange and it is obvious that it's from smoking pot that month. the other attacks (the only word i can think of to decribe it) are very pleasant. i am walking or moving or doing something, but it doesn't feel like i'm doing those movements, as if i'm some sort of macine. i feel like if i were to run a marathon i could do it easily because i dont really feel anything, i feel like i'm on an extreme pain killer.

afer my attack in math class, i thought about the name and it didnt strike me as funny at all, just stupid. then did i realize that it was an affect of the pot i had smoked the past month. it was my first month ever smoking pot, so i wouldnt know if i were to keep smoking pot and keep having these sensations and instances.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29804
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2021Views: 568
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Not Applicable (38)

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