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Death and Rebirth
Citation:   Erin L.. "Death and Rebirth: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp29934)". Jan 22, 2023.

1/8 oz oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had taken shrooms once before at a party and effectively spread an 1/8 over 2 days. It was a very mild but pleasant trip for the most part. Yesterday, my bf and I decided to each take an 1/8 at once. It was about noon when we finished them and it didn't take more that 20 minutes to start feeling the effects.

The first 2 hours of the experience were full of uncontrollable laughter, mild hallucinations, disconnection, and an intense feeling of joy, love, and amusement. I was laughing the entire time without stopping and the emotion grew and grew. My bf and I laid down together and spent some time laughing until I started getting very overwhelmed with the increasingly vivid visuals and an odd trip into my own head.

By about 2, he started to trip badly on the state of mankind, and soon we were both crying. All I really knew is that he was upset and talking loudly and it was messing with my head, so I was crying, telling my head to stop. Then I started to completely loose touch with reality and I couldn't remember at all what I was doing. Things were moving around me and I was feeling 4 distinct emotions in constant circles: Joy, sadness, anger, fear then I would sometimes calm down before it started over again.
I started to completely loose touch with reality and I couldn't remember at all what I was doing. Things were moving around me and I was feeling 4 distinct emotions in constant circles: Joy, sadness, anger, fear then I would sometimes calm down before it started over again.
It started to get so fast that it seemed to cycle through every 5 seconds or so.

At maybe 3pm I had realised what was really going on; that I was tripping hard and just scared. So I rolled over and died. I wasn't dead long though, and after a few minutes I could feel my body. The whole bed felt wet and I felt like I'd never move or be sane again. Then I sat up and started feeling the bed making little 'discovering noises.' The bed was perfectly dry, I was perfectly dry, and I was alive. By 3:30 I was sitting up and was babbling about little things and everything being okay. The world was still swirling around, the ceiling was still trying to talk to me, and little cellular patterns were still crawling all over everything, but it was all okay again, and everything was coming back to me.

Between 4:30ish and 8:00 or so I was coming down and getting to enjoy everything. I spent lot of time touching things and looking at things and discovering the world over again. At around 5 or so the rest of the world came back to me and all made sense again. Then at 8 we went driving and the way all the cars moved together was beautiful and driving fast was really exciting (by fast I mean 65 on the interstate.)

So Yeah, today and tomorrow we'll be spreading our 1/8's over both days. Tripping balls is good, but in moderation.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 29934
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2023Views: 255
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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