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Wandering the Streets Like Mind-Fucked Weirdos
Citation:   Big Papa K. "Wandering the Streets Like Mind-Fucked Weirdos: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp30000)". May 17, 2019.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Ideal first trip

My friends' 18th birthday was approaching and we decided to celebrate by having our first real mushroom trip. The morning of, my buddies and I set out to buy. We ended up with a good count which resulted in all three of us consuming 3.5 g each. We did this on near-empty stomachs about 15 minutes before eating dinner with the birthday boy's parents in their kitchen. When my pals B, D, and myself were halfway through dinner I started to feel a sort of anxiousness. Near the end of dinner, I took a glance at the butter container, which depicted two smiling slices of bread, one with a butter knife. The one with the knife began to stab the other one, yet both retained their little smirks. That made me realize we shouldn't be hanging around people's parents at the moment. I bolted up out of my chair and tried to casually walk downstairs, ignoring the intense headrush induced by standing.

Once we got to the basement, everyone was feeling it. I remember staring curiously at the couch in the basement. It was velvet and had a floral pattern that seemed to grow down the couch and on to the floor, meeting the stucco that had been melting off the ceiling. We began to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a fucked up movie even for those who aren't on psychoactive fungi. I suddenly understood much of what the characters were going through. A green balloon positioned near a window cast its emerald colours all over the floor and walls. Halfway through the movie, B and D decided we should go for a walk. We left B's house about an hour before sunset.

It was a humid summer evening and I could see the last few rays of the sun shimmering off the light mist near the forest. We walked through the fog and into the forest, noting our oneness with nature, and writing down everything that came to us, much of which dealt with pirates. D began furiously hammering out nonsense ramblings in his notebook and the most fucked up part about the forest was that when we came out on the other side, it was suddenly dark. We sat on the damp grass and contemplated such things as war, poverty, and what to do with our lives. We then wandered the streets like the mind-fucked little weirdos we were, pausing to investigate shiny things such as mailboxes or street lights.

When the evening drew to a close, I caught a bus home. For the whole ride and for a few hours after trying to go to bed, all I could think of was how much I loved people and wanted to help them. The best part of the whole thing was the couple of hours after the trip, where everything is still noticeably different. I've done shrooms many times since, but nothing can compare to the time I first went out and got nice and tweaked with my friends.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 17, 2019Views: 722
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), General (1)

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