I Liked That I Talked a Lot More
Citation:   crazed chick. "I Liked That I Talked a Lot More: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp31380)". Erowid.org. Aug 9, 2018. erowid.org/exp/31380

  smoked Methamphetamine (daily)
When I first heard of meth, all I heard were the horror stories, so I naturally did not want it around me. But after my boyfriend and our friends had done it a few times I decided that I would try it so that I wouldn't be left out.

I didn't think I felt anything after my first couple hoots but I talked alot more and just had way more energy that I had ever been used to. I liked that alot because I am generally a very quiet person, and I never seemed to have enough energy to anything anyways, so this was the perfect drug for me to get going.

The first time I tried it was in May, and we just kept doing it, I was unemployed at the time so I never HAD to sleep. So after 4 months of smoking probably a half to a whole gram every day, I had lost complete control of what I was feeling and why.
I had lost complete control of what I was feeling and why.
My boyfriend and I broke up after a year and a half. All I could manage to do for a week straight was cry hysterically and sleep. I was always bitchy and irritable with everyone, whether I knew them or not. So once I realized absolutely nobody wanted to be around me, I took a step back, and saw that I was just ruining my whole life.

I haven't quit smoking meth but I have a much better understanding of what it can and will do to a person. I know I am addicted, and I know that I will have a lot of problems quitting.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31380
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2018Views: 1,009
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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